Florida Sheriff Tells Citizens To Shoot Looters in Their Home Until They Look Like “Grated Cheese” – IOTW Report

Florida Sheriff Tells Citizens To Shoot Looters in Their Home Until They Look Like “Grated Cheese”

DeSantis recently said, “The shooting begins with the looting.” And Jot Reid stepped on a rake and called that statement “racist.”

It was enlightening to learn that a black progressive woman believes looters are black.

This reminds me of an incident from way back in the iOwnTheWorld days.

We had a resident gay commenter that was for the most part very reasonable. I even got him a gig writing on American Thinker. (Thomas Lifson wrote to me after a few weeks and said, “this guy is nuts. You’ve been warned.” He was right.)

There was a strange poster that was published by the Virginia Tourism agency. It was a picture of a father and son walking on the beach holding hands. It was a nice picture, but I felt the inclusion of their tagline, “Virginia is For Lovers,” was a bad choice.

This guy went nuts and accused me of being “homophobic.” I simply asked him if all gays were pedophiles. He said, “no.” So I said, “I agree. Why are you upset?”

He was bright enough to realize his error and where I was going with my line of questioning. He threatened in an email to put a bullet in my head. That was the last I heard from him.

I guess in his mind, all gays are pedophiles. That was his problem, not mine.

21 Comments on Florida Sheriff Tells Citizens To Shoot Looters in Their Home Until They Look Like “Grated Cheese”

  1. You get grated cheese if all you have is buckshot. But if you’re stuck with plugs, you’ll have to settle for swiss. But start with the head and work your way down for the best result.

  2. Cmn¢¢guy

    So would Portland, so would Seattle. That’s why they riot in those places. Black Lives Splatter came to my county twice. Our county seat is nick named “Hangtown”. Not sure why they were pissed, it’s not like it was Lynch Town. And the only people that ever got hung here were white claim jumpers. BLM’s first visit wasn’t to hospitable. I think the ten or twelve pick up trucks full of red neck teenagers wheeling baseball bats all arriving at once probably set a poor tone. I remember watching two Sheriffs Deputies laughing their asses off as the trucks passed them.

  3. This message should be for every homeowner, regardless of your state or county.
    For a pistol, I agree for one intruder, two well aimed shots to center body mass and if warranted, one to the head, will eliminate the threat. If there are more criminals than one, use your well trained discretion eliminating the closest threat to your life and then go to the next.
    My shotgun, my preferred weapon, is loaded with the first shot being a slug followed by as many “00” buck that are needed to eliminate the threat(s).
    It’s time to take a stand, protect your home, self and family.

  4. Cmn¢¢guy
    The only part of California that is lost,liberal, whacked, is where the sand meets the sea, and heavily populated cities. All of Northern Cal, north of Sacramento, is extremely conservative. Inland California, from the Mex border north is Conservative. In 2019 they were having huge Trump rallies down in parts of LA and San Diego. I think we have the numbers to turn the state conservative. IN A FAIR ELECTION. It’s my belief California, prototypes and tests different ways to cheat and then after they perfect them dishes them out to the rest of the country.

  5. Love the mixed metaphors but agree stopping at swiss cheese probably adequate… although a few rounds of bird shot would make it look like they fell against a cheese grater.

    So, if and when this happens, do the bodies go out with the trash or the compost?

  6. Cmn¢¢guy

    I think NorCals a lot prettier. The wife and I are headed over the hill, Sierra Nevada’s, at the end of the month to check out the Carson Valley. It’s suppose to be awesome this time of year.

  7. He’s the best! Couple of years ago one of his deputies was shot by a perp. When they finally located the shooter, he was shot 40 some times by the deputies. When asked by journalists why so many rounds were fired upon the guy, he replied that’s all the ammo they had!

  8. >>>DeSantis recently said,”The shooting begins with the looting.” And Jot Reid stepped on a rake and called that statement “racist.”<<<
    Do we mean JOY REID?

  9. A buddy of mine was a lieutenant with Miami-Dade Fire Rescue when Andrew hit in ’92. His crew headed south to Homestead and Leisure City to what looked like a war zone, & stayed for days and days. He told me that there wasn’t one dumpster he looked in that did not have at least one shot up dead body in it. That storm took a terrible toll on looters.


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