USDA implementing $500 million stimulus program for domestic fertilizer production – IOTW Report

USDA implementing $500 million stimulus program for domestic fertilizer production

Your alternate headlines, please.

JTN: The Biden administration has announced $500 million in grant money to stimulate American-made fertilizer production. more here

19 Comments on USDA implementing $500 million stimulus program for domestic fertilizer production

  1. Gee, and where will a lot of this fertilizer originate? I think with fossil fuel (unless Biden and his fellow idiots are going to force this country to go all organic on fertilizer).

  2. The left and their puppet biden fucked up so bad so fast, some of the smarter ones see the food disaster coming next year. Meantime, keep cutting young girls tits off, and sic the FBI on anyone that protests.

  3. Politicians doing what they do: wreck markets that were working just fine, and then spend other peoples’ money to cover up their destruction.
    But it doesn’t end there because they get often get that money by damaging someone/something else so the cycle continues vigorously.

    Job security for politicians. Carnage for everyone else.

  4. I can condense the entire story into one sentence:

    His handlers had Spongebrain Shitpants and his crew of misanthropes and malevolent self identified masterminds create a serious problem and then used that as pretext to buy votes, “positions on Corporate Boards” of fertilizer companies for their spouses, children, concubines & “business partners” and “campaign donations” at the expense of the very people they had already systematically, deliberately and seriously harmed and done so with malicious intent.

  5. I’m wondering….
    How many congresscritters made….
    a ton of money on suddenly lucrative….
    fertilizer/Ag stock picks this month….????

    What a crock of “fertilizer”….!!!!

  6. Yeah…right, Like the bovine population needs stool softeners?…..just give them a flat rock and they can make diesel fuel additives and predict rainfall at the same time….


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