Fiction Creep – IOTW Report

Fiction Creep

Patriot Retort:

I’m sure you’ve heard the term mission creep. It’s made a comeback now that the United States is bankrolling a proxy war with Russia. But today, I want to talk about another form of mission creep, namely Fiction Creep.

Like mission creep, fiction creep is when one thing slowly begins to transform into something it never was intended to be.

Fiction creep isn’t a general term that applies to many things. Instead, it is a specific term (invented by me) describing how mundane real-life events in Joe Biden’s life eventually transform into something that never happened.

Let me give you a few examples.

From 2017 to 2019, Joe Biden held an honorary “professorship” at the University of Pennsylvania that consisted of making four speeches. But now, that factual story has transformed into complete fiction, with old Joe frequently claiming he was a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania — teaching classes, giving lectures, the whole nine yards. more here

23 Comments on Fiction Creep

  1. Currently, my favorite total bullshit biden* is when he was arrested trying to visit the incarcerated Nelson Mandela in a South African prison.
    That makes biden* honorarily black.
    Of course all that time he spent in black churches growing up does too.

    Question to black folk:
    Why do you put up with this bullshit?

  2. “Question to black folk:
    Why do you put up with this bullshit?”

    Because the black population he is targeting know he has influence on the amount of free shit they get.

  3. Agreed Brad.
    That black podcaster/radio guy Charlemagne said that he thought Trump was not legitimately elected.
    biden* said “he wasn’t black if you didn’t vote for him” and this supposedly influential brotha’ bent over and didn’t say shit.

    The black race is gone, time to focus on the Latino crowd, evidently they can’t be bought so cheaply.

  4. Loco

    I’m hearing fewer black voices yelling, Uncle Tom. and Oreo at Black Conservatives lately though. No matter how much free shit they get they’re still paying $6.00 a gallon to fuel their hood mobiles. That drives the cost of drive byes way up.

  5. It’s not just the free shit that provides the carrot for black support, Biden and Co. support CRT, they echo the dopey narrative that the system is inherently racist, they promote “equity” (which is double-speak for giving minorities special treatment) affirmative action programs, and they invoke the criminal justice hat trick (defund the police, no cash bail, and de-carceration).

    The democrats not only provide the ATM, but an empathetic shoulder to cry on for all their victimization bullshit.

  6. It starts with the concept of honor. You either have a normal parent with a strong sense of decency or you don’t.

    That good and decent parent/parents drills into you any lie is a dimunation of your honor, dignity, and integrity.

    Sure that fish may grow a few inches and pounds but the mistruths you tell are the kind that hurt no one and almost always come with a twinkle and smile to alert the other party of your tall tale.

    Adolph Pedo McShitstain has no honor, not a single smidgen as the Half Chocolate Jesus would say, and that sack of shit faggot outta know.

    His lies and embellishments are a desperate and predictable outcome of a small weak little coward who has accomplished exactly nil his entire life because at his timid dishonorable core he always lacked the bravery to do so.

    This chickshit subhuman has an obsession with pathological lying, he is and always has been a pedophile and every single lie he has ever told is an acknowledgment that in his evil, demonic, twisted heart, he knows this and the guilt just eats him alive. Thus the constant need to steal and appropriate the honor he knows he will never possess.

    Adoloh Pedo McPussy is not our President, his election was a fraud as big as he is.

    The party of Lucifer is about to be destroyed and this tedious imbecilic child molester will be shuffled off or martyred for the cause.

    They will cover him in hosannas after he passes but those will all be lies as well, because he has never done a single honorable thing his entire life.

    That day can”t come soon enough. Then we will be on to the next dushorable lameduck Demonrat imbecile.

  7. Cisco Kid OCTOBER 14, 2022 AT 2:26 PM

    It starts with the concept of honor. You either have a normal parent with a strong sense of decency or you don’t.

    That good and decent parent/parents drills into you any lie is a dimunation of your honor, dignity, and integrity.


    Totally agree with your post.

    Only wanted to add that I found, in my case, one was enough. But no where near as good as two parents being on that page.

  8. To be totally fair to the resident of the United States, he probably believes what he says. Remember George Costanza’s famous quote, “It’s not a lie if you believe it.”


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