Newly Released Footage of Jan 6 Shows That Pelosi Did Prepare For Riot – IOTW Report

Newly Released Footage of Jan 6 Shows That Pelosi Did Prepare For Riot

Pelosi has been vindicated. She absolutely did prepare for the Jan 6 riot- not by safeguarding the Capitol and bringing in “troops,” but by doing her hair and makeup, bringing in her documentary filmmaker daughter, and capturing riveting footage of her on the phone pleading that they needed help.

Seems very odd.

8 Comments on Newly Released Footage of Jan 6 Shows That Pelosi Did Prepare For Riot

  1. In the same way she demanded a hair stylist open her salon to service White Supremacist White Trash Elitist Parasite Pelosi’s hair during the scamdemic forced home imprisonments. All because the Parasite thinks she’s got it like that.

  2. This isn’t going to go the way they had hoped it would. The tik tok crowd know staged when they see it, because so much of what they see and do is staged.

    There is nothing natural about their conversation. It is obviously scripted.

    Kabuki, but amateurish kabuki. No real incentive for anything better. Total domination breeds mediocrity.

    The overall goal of Jan 6 is not just to punish Trump and eliminate him as a threat, but to do the same to anyone who has ever supported him or even associated with him. They hope to put an end to any and all opposition. By “they” I mean the deep state and leadership on both sides of the aisle.

    Ever since Bush derangement syndrome kicked in, you know, back when the Dems tried to overturn the results of a marginally honest and free election (an election they knew they would win because the fix was in, as it always seems to be for them), the masks (always ill-fitting) came off and partisanship, bias and hostility became the new normal among news, entertainment, sports and business personalities.

  3. Every one of those motherfuckers should have ended the day swinging from a lamp post with the piss of the terror of their final moments watering Pennsylvania Avenue, and their bodies left to rot until their physical corruption matched their political corruption and their corpses fell to pieces on the sidewalk, bereft of the eyes the crows had long since pecked out, and the stench of their decaying foetor left to permeate the very fabric of the Houses of Congress as an ever-present olfactory warning to any would-be tyrants in future.


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