Health Fitness Expert Who Said Use Him as Vaxx Role Model Has Died – IOTW Report

Health Fitness Expert Who Said Use Him as Vaxx Role Model Has Died

Article here. To his credit, Doug Brignole made clear he was against vaccine mandates.
Salty Cracker has an opinion on it.

43 Comments on Health Fitness Expert Who Said Use Him as Vaxx Role Model Has Died

  1. Of course this is a tragedy. But how many of these tragedies will we accept before there is a full blown investigation of what is happening here. You know, by uncompromised, legitimate investigators, that only have what’s right and wrong as their objective. Do they exist anymore?

  2. He wanted to be used as a test. He got his little red wagon broke.
    “Those of You Who Think the Vaccine Kills People Can Use Me as a Test”


  3. He knew better than us.
    He did his research.
    He knew disinformation when he saw it.
    He knew only MAGA rubes didn’t mask up, stay six feet apart and get as many jabs they were told to get.
    He trusted Fauci.
    He trusted the federal government only had his best interest in mind.
    He knew that protesting george floyd’s death was totally virus-safe.
    He felt it wise to close beaches, gyms, churches, fill in skate parks with sand, all the while leaving liquor stores and pot dispensaries open.
    He knew that obesity & age had absolutely NOTHING to do with mortality rate, because the biden* admin said so.
    He wore a mask and took the jab TO PROTECT OTHER PEOPLE, just like the way a seat belt works.

    He’s dead now but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t 100% right.

  4. Of course it tells you everything that all of these ELITE official assholes that “took the jab” on camera did no such thing.
    They didn’t have heart attacks and die.
    They got saline.
    No fucking way were THEY gonna be guinea pigs.

    S U C K E R S !

  5. Brad, the gym owners in New Jersey fought tooth and nail to stay open.
    This idiot was fit and knew everything he put in his body.
    It made absolutely no fucking sense he would take something experimental and untested.
    No sense to it, and no sense to impugn those who didn’t trust it.

  6. Can you read Brad?
    Put down the bourbon and read my post again.
    Sound it out if you need to.
    I’ll walk you through it if necessary.

    You’re welcome dude…I sometimes misconstrue other’s posts

  7. In fact the fucking reason Murphy was after that gym is because the refused to enforce his covid protocol. Including not getting the jab himself. You couldn’t be more wrong,and the faggits here that keep TUing you for your dumb ass comments need to get help. They’re fucking stupid. Let me repeat my self, your so far off base here it’s a sin.

  8. Brad, I was contrasting the NJ gym owner with this pro-vax (now dead) douchebag.
    If your comprehension means alcohol-free I’ll stick with the booze!

    Try reading my post again please…

  9. Can we get an independent ruling here iotwers?

    A) Brad can’t comprehend my post
    B) I went after the NJ gym owner for some unknown reason?
    C) Brad LOVES to fight, stirring up shit for no explicit reason.

  10. Brad, if you are NOT actually drunk…seek help.
    Seriously dude, you have anger and comprehension issues.
    Take a break from the gym, you don’t need to be there every day at your age.

    Get out, smell the roses, not the gym shorts my man.
    Seriously. We care about you here.

  11. One more thing Brad, have you ever known me to lie or backtrack on what I write here?
    I mean what I say, I own what I say and I stand behind it 100%.
    If I wanted to blast that gym owner I would but I admire the dude.
    In fact he was on Tucker’s show multiple times during the pandemic.
    During that time you did not trust Tucker.
    You are being stupid.
    Don’t be stupid!

  12. E) Loco LOVES to fight as well.
    He absolutely relishes vanquishing his far inferior intellectual opponents.
    Some of those opponents include but are not limited to formerly Bad Brad, Willysgoatgoober, and countless annon fuckheads.

    Yes, let’s go with E shall we?

  13. MJA — A friend’s older sister and husband (a couple in their early 70’s) died shortly after receiving the first round of covid shots when they were first introduced. These were two otherwise healthy seniors. They died within hours of each other. He’d talked on the phone with his sister just a day or so before her death and she was perfectly fine.

    This happened just before it was revealed that all those patients were dying in nursing homes in NY.

  14. One of my patients was referred to me 2 days after his first jab, he almost died. Pulled up and out of it. Daughter insisted on him getting the 2nd shot a month later, dead within 24 hours. Nuclear submariner. Married 70 years to his sweetheart.

    But the facility he lived in was soooooooooo close to 100% compliance, and everyone would get a Gold Star!!!

  15. AbigailAdams OCTOBER 16, 2022 AT 7:46 AM
    “These were two otherwise healthy seniors. They died within hours of each other.”

    …not saying that it isn’t possible, even likely, that the Coof Goof took them both as it was designed to, but as I’ve said before, the (breifly) surviving spouse’s death could also be from a phenomena I’ve seen enough times to suspect it as a possiblity here as well.

    There have been several occasions for different reasons where I’ve been directly or peripherally involved with for various reasons where one of a long-term married couple dies, often expectedly of a long-term problem, and then the second follows the first off this mortal coil in farily close succession, from a matter of hours to a day, for no readily apparent reason. I’m not talking about suicide here, at least as far as anyone could tell, but you get one spouse that dies of, say, cancer after a long illness, then the other one dies a few hours later from a heart attack where no problems had manifested previously, or they are found dead by their adult children when they go to help Dad make arrangements for Mom the next day, things like that.

    You can see it in their eyes sometimes, and its very sad, but not a ton you can do about it. One time my unit was called to a house where a guy had just died on the toilet, a fact that was fairly apparent as soon as we entered the house because the toilet was in the center of the living room with the decedent strapped to it. This was not because these people were weird or gross or fetisists, but because the husband had been in severe decline from cancer to the point where he was unable to do the basics unassisted, and his elderly wife simply didn’t have the strenght to carry him back and forth to the toilet or manouever him on and off of it in the confines of the bathroom. This was an otherwise very nice house, but sometimes, aesthetics must give way to practicality, especially when the last 80 years have left you too damn tired to actively handle patients any more, even when the patient is your own husband.

    Getting old really, really sucks.

    The dying on a toilet thing is more common than you think too, even for more healthy people, because there is a vagus nerve that is stimulated when you strain at stool, and this has the effect of slowing your heart down even as you are making some muscular effort. If your heart is already weak, sometimes this is all it takes to end you, and that was likely the case here.

    There were reasons to suspect he’d been there awhile and some fairly obvious tells that he had joined the choir invisible like rigor and lividity, so this was an occasion when the obvious needed to be stated in lieu of abusing a disease raddled corpse further, and we in our turn contacted the coroner and the long-planned mortician about doing what must be done and sat with her until further, more appropriate help arrived. Not usually something you do on a municipal amblulance service as our duty is with the living and not the dead, but even though the wife was not technically our patient, she needed her hand held for awhile and her family was some ways off.

    She was maintaining pretty well from what we saw, no suicidal ideation or anything, and they both knew this was coming from a long way off, but she still looked kinda shocky. She talked him up a bit but was doing it in measured tones and trailing off at times like she was getting lost in thought or was mortally tired (I only did nights so of COURSE it was o-dark-30 when this was going on), but she shook her head at any suggestion that she may be in need of medical assistance herself, saying she had too much to do.

    Finally the literal meat wagon arrived and we had to return to the service of those that may survive.

    But my partner and I looked at each other and agreed that we’d likely be back for her.

    We were only off by a few hours. Day shift attended to seeing her off this world a few hours after I went off duty.

    And this is just one, and a stranger at that. I’ve seen it in family as well.

    …there are many things that may be involved. You could argue its a spiritual bond forged over decades that’s so strong, one spouse just literally can’t live without the other. It could be an emotional bond that one spouse doesn’t know how to continue without their mate being their foil any more. It could be the practical, that dealing with someones death is hugely stressful (it IS, oh my GOD it is), and someone close to the edge isn’t physically capable any more. I have noticed that females tend to be better at continuing on without males, but this may be because women are stronger than men in carrying out family duties and used to dealing with things while their men were gone, or that most men figure to die before their wives so it’s a pretty bad and totally unplanned shock when they don’t, could be that or some other things. I don’t know.

    All I know is it happens.

    So always be aware of it when one of a pair of a long term couple goes home that the one that stays may be pining so hard that they join them shortly. Only so much you can do then too. You can keep Mom busy for awhile and all the sudden interest of friends and family will distract her for a day or so, but sooner or later she has to go home to that bed where one half is now permanantly emptied, left alone in the quiet of the evening with the chaos of her thoughts, and figure out how to move on from there if she can.

    And as for this,

    ‘He’d talked on the phone with his sister just a day or so before her death and she was perfectly fine.’

    …We’re all fine.

    Until we aren’t.

    The next person to die isn’t always the one you expect, and I’ve seen plenty of people who weren’t planning to get halfway home before that drunk driver hit them, or partway through that meal when that piece of fish got somewhere it shouldn’t, or singing to their baby in the morning who had been dead in its crib for several hours previously because SIDS made Mom think Junior was finally sleeping peacefully for a change.

    We are all close.
    All the time.

    If I get nothing else across, its always my hope to impart this.

    I didn’t hug my father the last time I saw him alive, because I didn’t KNOW it was the last time I would ever see him alive.

    Death be like that.

    Don’t make my mistake.

    With anyone you care about.

    We will all die sometime, whether Biden or Soros or Bildebergs kill us deliberately or not.

    That’s why we should love those important to us as much as we can in what little time we will have together regardless of the passing political winds.

    I sometimes think it would be better if we all go in a bunch.

    Because you can’t miss those who are no longer here if you cross over with them.

  16. Widowed friend of sixty years proudly announced she got both the Flu & Booster shots together a few days ago.

    Still, living in a Blue state I wonder if the lethality is different for different parts of the country/world.

    The clock has started as I watch this one…

    Personally know more dead from what I believe is the Jab than personally know (NONE) dead from Covid.

    Never ceases to amaze as they continue to line up to get in the box cars.

  17. SNS — It’s called Broken Heart Syndrome. Yes, I’m aware of it.

    However, in this case both people were admitted to the hospital at the same time with the same post-jab symptoms and were probably ventilated and died without even knowing the condition of their spouse. What I left out, above, is they died within a mere 2-3 hours of each other. It’s possible, but unlikely, that anyone had a chance in the fog of shock and disbelief — if they were even aware in their own condition — to die of a broken heart; other than the one that was damaged by the fatal shot. Though I’m sure the hospital tried using that cause on their next of kin.

  18. RadioMattM
    OCTOBER 16, 2022 AT 11:57 AM
    “SNS, you must be the largest shareholder in Kleenex.”

    …it’s not intentional, just the way it shakes out. Folks very rarely called me in that role when things were going OK, and some of the couple thousand or so patients I’d seen still stick out, and sometimes seem relevant to the issue at hand.

    That’s why, if you polled most folks who’ve handled patients here, you’ll find they keep a distance. Nursing Home and Hospice in particular (looking at you, Hoo-Hoo) have a tendency to not have good long-term outcomes, so you’d go crazy if you embraced the tragedy of each one.

    But the point I keep coming back to, as with your linked story, is that you never know who’s next. Even here, no one saw it coming when we lost Ghost of Brig Gen J Glover, for example, no one including his wife, our Mary Hatch, seems to have seen it coming.

    Due to stuff going on in my life I was unable to meet him when he went on his “iOTW Road Trip” and met others. He cheerily said we’d meet next time.

    But he didn’t know there wasn’t a next time.

    And this group definitely ain’t getting any younger.

    So again, we are all close. All the time. Be prayed up and hugged up, because the next time you see your loved ones might be on the other side.

    God bless,

  19. Side note; for those who may not have known Ghost or about his amazing Road Trip…

    …or the news of his passing…

    …perhaps that can help fill in the blanks.

    It may be that’s what makes the Cross so dear. Even in our silly little sideshow here we somehow come to care for folks, only to have them leave us too. Some we know of like Plain Jane or Blink or Moe Tom or Rick to name but a few; others like Jimmy or Aaron Burr we just don’t know about but miss all the same, as we know few of us are young and have prayed for each others’ struggles.

    So for those we know we’ve lost, those we know we will one day lost, and for when we pass ourselves, the Cross stands as a beacon of hope in our finite lives, a symbol of One who died for us and returned to give us the Blessed Assurance that beyond the grave there lies more than memory.

    “54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

    55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”
    1 Corinthians 15:54-55

    …this changed everything…

    All men die whether at pain or at peace.

    But the Cross puts death itself under the feet of the Lord for all who will accept salvation through Him.

    The Lord that gave Himself for us on the Cross turned a common intrument of torture into a lighthouse to lead all to eternal life in Him.

    And a bigger Miracle than that, the world will never know.

    God Bless,

  20. The General and I had gotten off to a misunderstanding on one post. He didn’t understand my sarcasm, but we ended up have a nice chat about New York.

    Yes, he passing was a shock. We need to be grateful to those who add to our lives while they are still here.

    Thank you all.

  21. SNS you are absolutely spot on. Good outcomes for me are rare. I have a 2% live discharge rate, and ironically it usually stems from someone committing fraud to get on hospice. What can I say, we have some amazing perks and bennies (Ba dum TISH)

    We see it all here. Natural and beautiful ascents unto the Hereafter. Heartbreaking Deaths Far Too Soon (my youngest was 31, I absolutely cannot do pediatric hospice). I’ve had a few suicides, both deliberate and accidental. I’ve had 2 deaths that I asked family if they wanted me to call the coroner because I was more than a little suspicious.

    I have been at peace, I have been weeping silently and loudly, I have sung joyously, I have sat utterly alone, and I have raged quietly in anger and hatred at any number of my deaths. My poker face could do me well in Vegas.

    Oh, and see the story of Philemon and Baucis, the ancient Greek recognition of how real Broken Heart Syndrome has been for millenia. I’ve had a few of these as well.

    I could retire tomorrow but would miss it too much. #lastresponder

  22. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay
    OCTOBER 16, 2022 AT 9:50 PM

    Wow. I could not do your job. Never was much good on the DNR part of the test, and those that I’ve seen from the family side, letting them quietly go is just not something I’m equipped for.

    With you all day on peds. Amps everything up x100 when a child is involved, and the cancer kids can really make you question the concept of a merciful God. I could not imagine attending a child in a hospice situation, I could.

    I saw Broken Heart Syndrome a BUNCH as I said, but for some reason I never had that name for it until just today, from you and AA. Some interesting physiology there as well as emotion. Makes a little more sense now, after all these years. Thanks.

    You do a necessary thing, letting folks pass with dignity and with minimal pain when THEY choose to do so. I don’t know how you can do it all day, but God bless you that you do. The Lord must have His hand on your heart to give you a passion for doing a rather thankless job well. May He continue to bless you as long as you’ve a heart for it, and grant you the mercy of forgetting when forgetting is the best thing you can do for your OWN health.

    God Bless,

  23. Bless you Hoo Hoo Nay Nay and SNS. You are some very special people. G-d bless and keep you safe. My prayer for you is the Shema, the most important prayer in Judaism.
    “Hear, O Israel: G‑d is our L‑rd, G‑d is one.”


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