NY Guv Doesn’t Know Why People Think It’s Important To Lock Up Criminals – IOTW Report

NY Guv Doesn’t Know Why People Think It’s Important To Lock Up Criminals

13 Comments on NY Guv Doesn’t Know Why People Think It’s Important To Lock Up Criminals

  1. Maybe it might sink in if somebody told her, “You either lock them up or we’ll shoot them. In other words, either the rule of law to protect citizens’ rights, or vigilantism. Your choice.”

  2. A note about language:

    For as long as I can remember, everybody uses phrases such as fight crime. This is a cop-out because it depersonalizes the fact that it is real people who commit those crimes.

    I suggest that instead we should be saying fight criminals.

  3. @Uncle Al: I prefer to depersonalize everything and continue to use the phrase “fight crime.” I suppose you also object to use of the phrase “gun crime” and you intend to claim that criminals are responsible for shooting people – instead of wild packs of AR-15s roaming the streets wantonly firing at innocent civilians.

  4. @Wyatt — You make a good point. Just the other day I saw one of those wild AR-15 packs marching through a black neighborhood. They were goose-stepping and had swastikas on their slings. Every now and then they’d stop and shoot at people, especially at tattooed 22-year-old children. Terrible, terrible!

  5. @Uncle Al October 26, 2022 at 10:12 am

    > “You either lock them up or we’ll shoot them. In other words, either the rule of law to protect citizens’ rights, or vigilantism. Your choice.”

    Xhe’s loses… how?

    Until “you” make it very personal, there is no downside.

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