Tucker Carlson: The US is about to run out of diesel fuel – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: The US is about to run out of diesel fuel

Tucker Carlson weighs in on the energy crisis stemming from the Russia-Ukraine war

19 Comments on Tucker Carlson: The US is about to run out of diesel fuel

  1. 25 days of diesel in the SPR. Still not good since Adolph Pedo McCunttwaddle wants to tap through Dec, but the vindictive bastard will actually crack it off on Nov 9 as punishment to all those millions of Mega Ultra Maga voters who kicked his retarded party of Lucifer to the curb.

    Costs be damned at that point.

  2. You know what the best part is?

    That even IF Dominion can’t paper this over, even IF there are honest elections, even IF republicans capture the House and Senate…the Dems STILL have the presidency…AND still have MONTHS of Congressional sessions to thoroughly wreck up the joint and go full scortched earth before turning the burned remains of a once-great country over to RINOs and Republicans.

    They will be vindictive as Saruman in the Lord of the Rings;

    ” One ill turn deserves another.” It would have been a sharper lesson, if only you had given me a little more time and more Men. Still I have already done much that you will find it hard to mend or undo in your lives. And it will be pleasant to think of that and set it against my injuries.’”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    …you can fully expect this, and MUCH worse, for the next Congress to deal with, come what may, with a pedophile poser and ALL of the Democrat Federal agencies hindering them in every and any way they can every step of the way.

    …assuming there IS a next Congress.

    And not a nuclear war.

  3. Diesel shortage due to Russia-Ukraine war? Please! Don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s raining! Let those boys in the oil patch(es) go and see what swimming in diesel looks like. Yes, the oil patches includes refineries as well ya dolts, it ain’t worth anything in the round. In the round means whole, unprocessed. Ten dollar diesel? Try one dollar diesel! This whole rigmarole is purely concocted by the choads in DC. A choad is a piece of something too small to be of any use in the project, for those who don’t already know.

  4. I remember that picture on billboards back in the supposed fuel shortage in the seventies, it was a lie then. Much closer to reality now, but not because there isn’t oil in the earth. Thank you Joe and company.
    Never let a crisis you created go to waste as any knowledgeable Democrat/communist will tell you in a rare moment of honesty.

  5. That blackmail is expensive.
    To us.

    The people running the govt know exactly what they’re doing.
    Crushing the middle class and forcing everyone to become dependent on the govt.

    Harris is such an idiot.

  6. The prog’s solution to energy shortages is to reduce demand so that whatever meager amount remains is enough. So do your duty and starve/freeze to death soon. It’s for the common good.

  7. Ain’t it the Truth – Yeah, but demand ain’t dropping and the absurdity of this whole mess is that we have cut our own domestic fuel exploration and production supposedly for so-called Green Initiative reasons, yet we now need to feed the machine with poorer quality oil from abroad which means USING MORE FUEL JUST TO DELIVER IT HERE!!

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd instead of using pipelines, we use far less efficient trucks and trains to deliver fuel!

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd NOBODY says anything about China burning coal at unprecedented rates without regard to scrubbing or cleaning up the emissions like WE do!

    So much for Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Pause, Climate Change BULLSHIT or whutever the Hell they’re calling it THIS year!

  8. I agree with SNS (I usually do)
    the commie fuckers are going to burn the country down before January and then blame the ashes on the Republicans.

    First order of business then is for the incoming Repubs to notify the direct promise of impeachment to the Director and AD of every single Alphabet agency starting with DOJ, FBI. CIA, NSA. DHS, ATF, DOD, and then all the secondary agencies if they implement any action directed by Adolph Pedo McDickhead, Nazi Piglousi, or Cuck Shitmore…


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