Who’s Pulling Joe’s Strings? – IOTW Report

Who’s Pulling Joe’s Strings?

Radar Online

President Joe Biden’s bossy wife Jill is playing “puppet master” behind the scenes at the White House and has taken a more commanding role in his administration as his cognitive abilities continue to decline, RadarOnline.com has learned. More

10 Comments on Who’s Pulling Joe’s Strings?

  1. Absolutely zero of “83 million” ballots had The Quack’s name on them.

    She needs to step aside.

    Maybe a Red tide will result in a two fer impeachment for brain dead duo…

  2. Docturd Jilldo, saw that in a comment section on GP. Adolph Pedo McPoopypants has severe dementia now, I give him 6 months to a year. Even with the million dollar cocktail IVs he gets every weekend in Delaware.

    At a certain point there is just nothing left to stimulate and then it over. Edith Wilson will go down fighting though.

  3. Dr. J is the Frankestein’s monster created by the mainstream media.
    She had to sit and endure 8 years of Mike Obama being hailed as the “next Jackie O”, and the sexiest, smartest, most beautiful First Lady ever.
    That is why Dr. J worked to get Mr. Potato Head elected, so that she could knock old Mikey off the pedestal. It was never gonna work. Dr. J was always destined to be sloppy seconds.
    That is also why Dr. J will prop his dried up husk of a body for a 2024 run.

  4. I think it’s by committee. Jill is just his personal handler. They installed a figure head, a talking puppet but they didn’t anticipate him being this hard to manage. I watched an interview with Kayleigh McEnany a couple days ago and she was telling stories about how historically stubborn Captain Brain Dead has been. According to her everyone warned him not to pull out of Afghanistan the way he did. But he has a habit of blowing off his advisors. He pulled the same shit when he was VP. She was eluding to the fact that Old Joe gets just lucid enough to make a decision or two and it ends up being a train wreck.
    They’re all illegitimate anyway. Sure would be nice to see some actual justice for them one day.


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