Twitter Engineers Are Locked Out, Tesla Engineers Are Now In Charge – IOTW Report

Twitter Engineers Are Locked Out, Tesla Engineers Are Now In Charge

EnVolve: The changing of the guard is here…

As of right now, Tesla engineers have full control of Twitter.

Musk has asked Tesla engineers to have full control of Twitter’s code, and until trust is established  Twitter engineers are locked out.

As a result many data engineers are being seen carrying boxes outside of Twitter’s headquarters.

23 Comments on Twitter Engineers Are Locked Out, Tesla Engineers Are Now In Charge

  1. The departures couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of assholes.

  2. I’m thinking that if he’s able to prove fraud in the bot count and revenue stream then he’ll file a law suite in order to get a few billion back.

    The best place to start is always the routers and firewalls to lock out any back-door ingress access, then purge the admin accounts because we always have dozens, if not hundreds of ghosted admin accounts that don’t go away when we delete the user on termination.

  3. The dudes with boxes were just there to troll the media. Neither works for Twitter.

    Of course the media ran with it like golden hot pancakes and crispy thick bacon because it was to delicious to resist.

    Still access to the code will reveal major malfeasance, even as the “engineers” were frantically trying to white wash it.

    That’s why the 4 head honchos got walked out instantly and the IT staff were locked out.

    Hopefully civil and criminal charges are coming on the future.

    They all exited with multimillion dollar parachutes, so hopefully Elon sues them for every penny.

    Wait till the world finds the direct link to the CIA then the shit will really hit the fan


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