Poignant Song About the Disgrace Named Biden – IOTW Report

Poignant Song About the Disgrace Named Biden

The song below is very well done.

15 Comments on Poignant Song About the Disgrace Named Biden

  1. Great song – and should be very thought provoking for any liberal that hears it. Should be but won’t be.

    When you think about all that can be laid at his feet, it boggles the mind, starting with Keystone on day 1 of his pResidency and continuing up till the past few days as he calls conservatives terrorists and a threat to what he calls democracy.

    He’s fu*king us up real bad, but his puppet masters are the true ultimate villains.

  2. I agree seaoh, and what happened, is happening, and will continue to happen is Satan. We are literally in a spiritual battle for America.

    The Luciferians were successful in creating their useful plague and used it as the base to cheat PDJT from his rightful place.

    However the Lord God Almighty knew the lunatic demons would then feel they had carte blanch to destroy our country and boy howdy they are in overdrive.

    The founders were genius about balancing power and they set up a system where the people themselves could easily vote out tyranny.

    That will happen in 4 days, if they cheat this time a civil war is coming…

  3. The fact is that this piece of festering shit, Biden, epitomizes “progressivism” and should be recognized as the face of the progressive movement. Will he? I doubt it.

    Wicked, evil, intemperate, stupid, conniving, lying, cheating… anyone notice a pattern? Progressivism is Satanism in practice. To even suggest the worthless fucker got anywhere near 81 Big legitimate votes is absolutely ludicrous. The fucking moron hasn’t been been allowed to figure out on his own if he needs to scratch is watch or wind his ass in a decade.

  4. Madeline Murray O’Hare and the Supreme court decision Engells v Vitale in the early 60’s was only the beginning of the death knell that resulted in prayer being taken out of the public square thru the schools at first and now pretty much everywhere. It was a false interpretation of Thomas Jefferson’s separation from church and state where the state is now the officially anointed interpreter/arbiter of public opinion and the word of God doesn’t matter anymore to most people who have been brainwashed by 60 years + of govt. and media propaganda. I stand with God and not my govt. and will not back down from that even if it costs me my life or reputation. God rules, the govt. and especially the evil Bidumb administration doesn’t rule anything but fools who believe that God either does not exist or is somehow irrelevant to today’s ever changing moral standards. Like GK Chesterton said, “If you don’t believe in God you will believe in anything.”

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