Pandemic Amnesty– uhhhhhhh No – IOTW Report

Pandemic Amnesty– uhhhhhhh No

29 Comments on Pandemic Amnesty– uhhhhhhh No

  1. Yep!
    Never forget!
    Never forgive!
    If you want forgiveness, ask God.
    Oh….wait… don’t believe in Him.
    You worship yourself.
    Have fun in the Here After, bitches!

  2. “Amnesty”?

    What choice do we have?

    “Nuremberg” trials? (Like Salem “trials” — where we torture confessions, then kill the “guilty”?)

    That’s Not Who We Are!(TM)

    And “we’ll” do everything “we” can! To get in the way. To stop that! It’s anti-semitism! It’s misogyny! Lets vote on it! Oh! Look at the time. Let’s just let them collect “their” pensions. And book deals. And household (but not their) wise investment incomes.

    Amnesty for all Americans’ enemies? What choice? Do “we” have?

  3. If they cooperate fully with all inquiries, they may be buried in secret after their executions so their graves don’t get violated.

    That’s as far with the amnesty I’m willing to go.

  4. …I like the idea of death by ventilator.

    Go until a lung blows out.

    Then plant a chest tube to stabilize them.

    Until the other one blows out.

    Video the facial expressions at the moment they realize they no longer have lungs to breathe with.

    To share with their colleagues who are in the dock to follow them.

    Burn their still-twitching corpses immediately.

    Then grant amnesty to the charred bone fragments as they are hammered into powder.

  5. After Hitler’s “forgiven” for the Holocaust.
    After Stalin’s “forgiven” for the Holodomor.
    After Mao’s “forgiven” for the Great Leap Forward (which starved 100 Million chinks to death).
    After Mengele’s “forgiven” for the selections and experiments at Auschwitz.

    [How many died or maimed by this Worldwide Dempanic Bullshit?]

    Then we’ll talk.

    Not very Christian of me, but I’d like to see ALL of those fuckers hanged – after an appropriate stay in the torture chambers of the NSA, CIA, and FBI.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. RadioMattM – Too much tragedy associated with “the cure”.
    You don’t have to be Bob Ross to see that hindsight is painting an ugly picture to this period in our history and for those trying to squirm out of responsibility for what they’ve done I sincerely hope they feel like trapped rats! The Truth will out!

  7. Aw, fuck you.
    We killed a passel of you ignorant nitwits and you never caught on!
    Some of you fukkin morons are STILL getting boosters!

    Just bend over and take it like a man.

    Whadda ya gonna do about it anyway? Cry? Boo hoo hoo!

  8. @worker….

    The Zelenko Protocol….
    I used it as prophylactic….
    My brother used it to relieve “long Covid”….
    I think it’s also effective in shedding the….
    “spike proteins” in the clot shot….

    1. Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, quercetin, or….
    EGCg (green tea extract)…..
    2. Zinc….
    3. D3….
    4. C

    Good luck.

  9. @aircubed November 5, 2022 at 10:33 pm

    > The judgement against Alex Jones is one billion dollars for hurting feelings.

    The “judgement” against “Alex Jones is one billion dollars for hurting feelings” of the corrupt moron that squat on The Party’s throne.

    But, I’m sure The Supreme squatters will “fix” it.

  10. Forgive us because “we didn’t know”.

    Yeah, fuck that. You viciously attacked people, ruined their lives and wished death on them just because they chose to exercise caution in the face of uncertainty. Now you want to hold hands and sing Kumbaya… but only until the next plague or whatever comes ’round and then you’ll be right back to your old tricks.

    Fuck you.

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  12. This on the heels of the fact that, despite the massed evidence of severe vaxx injury and death, myocarditis in children, and the vanishingly small risk actual COVID poses to children in the 0-5 age cohort, those fuckers voted 100% to REQUIRE the poisoning of children for no reason OTHER than to activate a 1986 law that grants them PERMANENT immunity for their malfeaseant treatment.

    Not only are they not apologizing.

    They aren’t even STOPPING.

    Pedophiles do not stop raping children until Death stops them.

    So too it appears to be with vaxx “Doctors”.

    I was once told while in training to be a medic that one should NEVER say “I’m sorry” to a patient because that could be construed by a lawyer as an admission of guilt to medical malpractice. This inability to apologize may just be a manifestation of that type of trainen-in thinking.

    If so, it must be overcome. No phrase can deflect from their guilt that they KNEW better, and went along with it anyway.

    “Never Again” means NOTHING without severe consequences for those why TRY.

    They can seek forgiveness from God.

    They willget none from me.

  13. There was no “amnesty” for people who refused the Covid death jab. Many anti-Covid “vaccine” Bravehearts, lost their jobs, were refused access to church, restaurants, entertainment, sports etc., ostracized by family and friends, in other words treated like lepers.

    Absolutely, no amnesty should be granted to criminal behavior perpetuated by Fauci-ites. Death agents who have no mercy. Death row is a justified place for these God hating assassins.

    The Holy Bible has many examples of how God delivered justice when evil men committed genocide. They didn’t get away with it, and neither will the leaders and subordinates of the Alphabet agencies of Wicked – in this life and/or eternity.

  14. @SNS November 6, 2022 at 9:53 am

    > They can seek forgiveness from God.
    > They willget none from me.

    Hoping you’re cognizant enough to not answer. Riffing…

    When the Evil(TM) Them (because some pædotranny called them “Them”), starts the extirpation, en masse, of those that did… the thing. And your Judeo-Xtian neighbors start booming, That’s Not Who We Are(TM). Will you forgive them.

    Or should they be loaded into the boxcars? First?

    Because you’ve got to slash and burn through all the fat. Before you can even reach the cancer.

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