Punctuation Is Important – IOTW Report

Punctuation Is Important

h/t Jason

P.S. Pray for a free and fair election. God is listening!

23 Comments on Punctuation Is Important

  1. It is José.
    The letter “h” is silent and the “h” sound is always the letter “j”.
    The “é” is a separate letter in the Spanish language, not punctuation.

  2. Oh Yea ? I just sat thru 2 hours of jury selection
    in Galveston County.2 rich guys were going at it with 3 lawyers a piece over a billion $$$ real estate water front development. All over “punktuation” in a legal
    contract document.

  3. I think God listens to me because I listen to God. Funny how that Works. PS : Claudia, Sweet Sweet Water . . . and Bread. Always honor the Bread. Your life depends upon it. No man made material will ever do that. Nothing wrong with man made, it’s just not as good as the Real Deal. PS: May I hiJack this thread or maybe a later thread for an engineering pondering I had earlier this day before this page existed. Here is the preliminary rough gist question: There are several man made items that are close to perfect in form and function. Such as a Pencil. There is abother item I thought about and decided it is pretty close to perfect. No competitor has even come close. This particular item had an entirely different form factor in a previous manufacturing run. Both form factors are instantly recognizable anywhere in the world. 10 IOTW Bucks to whomever can post what the item in reference is. An extra 5 if you post the exact brandname and another 5 for the previous brandname. pps: Thanks Claudia for this wonderful waterhole. LYA.

  4. ^^^Dear Anon-the mark above the é is an accent mark, it is not a separate letter as are several letters like ll and ch and ñ. Generally speaking, in Spanish, the accent falls on the next to last syllable UNLESS there is an accent mark above another syllable. Also to the other anon, the n with a tilde, ñ (not an accent mark) IS a separate letter in Spanish. At last, my minor in Spanish from Indiana University has paid off.

  5. I did correct that by referring to the tilde.
    In any case, the “e” at the end of a word does not affect the “o” sound as in English. In Spanish, the “o” is always a hard “o” sound as in “hope” instead of the soft sound in “hop”.
    The “e” at the end is always pronounced, sometimes with the tilde accented last letter and sometimes not emphasized.
    It always is pronounced so, “Rio Grande” is not pronounced as “… Grand”.

  6. The classic book, “Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation”.

    I graduated high school in ’68. Those were the time of diagramming sentences and strict punctuation rules. Heaven help you if you didn’t speak or write the “-ly” ending on an adverb.

    My mother was a teacher. Grammar tests were easy since I just selected what sounded correct. Married a middle school Reading / Writing teacher and our daughter had the same advantage during her high school years. Her teachers swooned when she turn in writing assignments in fountain pen cursive. Her classmates could not read her notes.


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