Biden Says Anyone Anti-Socialism is an Idiot – IOTW Report

Biden Says Anyone Anti-Socialism is an Idiot

Puppet Joe displaying his new colors. He was never an ideologue. You have to be somewhat intelligent to be one. He couldn’t articulate a position if it was for a choco choco chip cone. So, it’s not surprising that he’s been shoved left.


On Saturday, President Joe Biden displayed his so-called decency and desire for unity by calling a group of anti-socialist protesters outside his rally “idiots.”

The president, rallying in Joliet, Illinois, was greeted by dozens of protesters holding signs, including ones that said: “Socialism sucks.”

“I love those signs when I came in — socialism. Give me a break, what idiots,” the president barked at attendees before defending Social Security.

Biden: “I love those signs when I came in. ‘Socialism.’ Give me a break. What idiots.”

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) November 5, 2022

According to The Hill, other demonstrators also held pro-life signs, as well as more extreme ones that said, “Where’s Nancy?” but Biden did not address those messages in his remarks.


15 Comments on Biden Says Anyone Anti-Socialism is an Idiot

  1. The Democraps have to rely on “free stuff” to get votes.
    Their only claim to fame in that regard is Social Security – Created by the democraps in the 1930’s to trick people into voting for them. They were clever to include “social” in the name. The entire country is expecting to draw out of that money pool eventually. I know that me and my wife have sacrificed a shit-ton of money to it and we EXPECT to get it back.
    You can also thank the democraps for bleeding all of the money out of that fund to pay for other free stuff to buy more votes in the 1980s.

  2. But, to be perfectly fair, Socialist Security isn’t about Socialism or Security –
    it’s about the skim.

    A great mass of tax dollars that cannot be traced and is used by EVERY administration to pay off friends and influence elections.

    Pure, unadulterated corruption.
    (nobody except the illegal alien-invading rat people are getting their money’s worth)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Jethro

    “You can also thank the democraps for bleeding all of the money out of that fund to pay for other free stuff to buy more votes in the 1980s.”

    They have done that. It’s the height of corruption IMO. That money is taken from us every paycheck and we are told it is to supplement retirement, yet the pols, from both sides of the aisle have been stealing money out of the fund for decades to fund unrelated projects.

  4. Sure… go ahead and put that Socialist/Communist Snake-Oil in yer country´s crankcase today and watch the economic gears grind to a smoking halt! Happens every time it´s tried! That’s why every off-the-wall, radical, bomb-throwing, card-carrying-Commie Leftist is pushing for it. Destroy America and everything it stands for by robbing the country blind using the age-old ploy of giving away “Free Stuff” to every ignoranus stumbling around in the fog of a Politically Correct disinformation smoke-screen!
    These people are NOT givers or contributors. They ARE takers!
    Socialism is nothing more than legalized theft and this so-called “Green Movement” is nothing more than an excuse, mechanism or tool if you will, to extract vast amounts of tax money out of the system for them to buy votes, reward Political cronies, stomp adversaries into the ground and make themselves independently wealthy and powerful in the process and when they don’t have enough they’ll simply take more! Just look at the upper echelon in Venezuela… every one of them is part of the controlling party… and these parasites ultimately kill the host in the process… something they just call thinning the herd! More murders and outright genocide have been committed in the name of Socialism and Communism only now they’re doing it “kindly” with a virus and a vaccine!
    The writing has been on the wall for everyone to see! Just study it… and do it before these lousy scoundrels try to re-write history!

  5. How many times do the philosophic positions
    of Kerl Marx and his forbears have to fail?

    Before anyone recognizes it is failed
    Economic System and a failed
    Political System.

    Of all things, it has even failed as a
    Religious System

    And the ROMAN CHURCH is point blank proof!

    was designed to make wealth accumulation
    and retention eternal within the CHURCH,

    This is why the VATICAN is the most wealthy
    entity on earth.

    Even the ROTHSCHILD FAMILY is envious !


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