The Morning After Open Thread – IOTW Report

The Morning After Open Thread

Latest update in Arizona- 8:28am et

46 Comments on The Morning After Open Thread

  1. We fell for it. The hype of the “red wave” sounded real, sounded legit. We fell for article after article telling us how the commies were beside themselves over how they were going to lose and lose big. It was all just more psyops.

  2. BREAKING UPDATE: [SENATE] Adam Laxalt now HOLDS SLIGHT LEAD over Catherine Cortez Masto ..


    Catherine Cortez Masto [🔵] 47.19%
    Adam Laxalt [🔴] 49.88%

  3. The democRATz got punched in the nose, when they really deserved a five finger death punch! A LOT of morons and dead people who didn’t even know that they voted democRAT somehow checked in! Early voting and mail-in voting has to go! The behind-the-scenes chicanery that is going on there is not monitored or supervised The fact that it clocks in almost exclusively as a big democRAT block of votes, as opposed to balanced results that reflect Voting Day results, tells you everything you need to know about it!
    And whut the hail happened in AZ??? Kerry Lake had a huge lead against someone who wouldn’t debate and winds up losing! Yeah…. no fraud there! /s

  4. When Kari Lake loses, we’ll know with certainty that we’re in deep shit. It won’t matter who runs for the presidency in 2024, they won’t stand a chance.

    It took 100+ years for the commies to get this close and they are not going to stop now. They won’t stop until the nation is fundamentally transformed. They are extremely close to attaining that goal. The Republican party will continue to be complicit so that the graft and corruption train keeps rolling along.

    It was a good run, this nation based on the principles of a Republic. I was hopeful that it wouldn’t fall in my lifetime but it will. We were warned by the founding fathers.

    I’m going to be really pissed when the feds decide that my retirement account belongs to the people of the world. I won’t be alone in my anger but I’m not going to feel consoled.

  5. Don’t know if this means anything but I live in FL and our population has skyrocketed these past two years. I’m thinking that the sensible, freedom loving people moved here and by doing so, created a much higher concentrated liberal voter base in the state they fled. Nah, them F’ers cheated again!

  6. Disappointing news from Michigan. Another four years of Whitmer, and all three proposals passed, albeit abortion just barely (55%).

    The god of this world has influence, but the one true God will prevail.

  7. Looks like a whole lotta people just don’t share radical views & conspiracy theories. And here we go again, commies, they cheated, it was stolen. Reality is they voted. See Fetterman might look scary, but the screams from the other side of the other side of aisle are scarier.

  8. I cannot understand how Georgians can vote Kemp over Stacey and not Walker over that slumlord grifter?
    Yes Walker is imperfect but how can you split your vote like that?

  9. Susan, I was supposed to automatically receive a mail-in ballot here in Nevada.
    I didn’t get one.
    The poll worker told me yesterday that it was “common” that they were lost in the mail.
    Anyway, it was likely harvested, filled out dem, forged my signature and mailed Monday to be postmarked by Tuesday.
    They will then likely not cross reference anything and tabulate it anyway.
    The system is SET UP TO CHEAT.

  10. The results are so schizophrenic. You know voter fraud is responsible, but not enough has been done about it. I blame the Republicans who know this but did nothing, either because they are incompetent or that they want a part of the $$$$$ involved in all the D criminality.

    God help us. He’s the only one who can change the hearts of the people.

  11. Christ also threw that race. He is a seasoned politician and yet his last few weeks he was talking about masking up again and posted a photo of himself alone on a bike in sandals and a mask. Bread and circus events with a narrative for the masses to setup a big battle for 2024 that won’t matter anyway as long as the captured states go on as is.

  12. Goood point anon.
    Crist, Stacey & Beto are clown shows that they trot out knowing they will lose and mask the cheating for candidates they steal elections for.

    PS, choose a screen name…it takes absolutely 0.00037 femto-seconds

  13. Out in AZ they are deliberately dragging their feet to prevent Republicans from voting.
    Again, mail-in is largely democRAT while Repubs vote on voting day… so they disabled the machines and require voters to do it all over again (which takes time) to put it in the hand count repository… (soon to find its way into the dumpster) They deliberately clogged up the process and then when the Repubs file an emergency suit to extend voter hours the judge shoot it down.
    !!See how it works!!

  14. For Arizona, I’m believing more and more that ballots that are unable to be read and put into a ballot box for later assessment are destroyed and a ‘Katie hobbs’ / Kelly ballot replaces it. Sort of like James Bond when they have the nuclear codes that get written on paper inside a briefcase. I know, call me crazy or tinfoil hat wearing… but why not? We’re dealing with techs that have way too much time on their hands to fortify elections through technology. There must be a false bottom in those machines/boxes with evidence… get. your screwdrivers out… I know I’d be taking apart those machines.

  15. Imagine peppering the 1.5 million votes DeSantis won by across the country in key races.
    It would have been a trouncing.
    It’s rare to see a republican win by a large margin.
    Dems are used to that in NY CA & Chicago…

  16. No surprises here. As long as we allow Clown World elections, we are going to get Clown World results. If you really thought this “Red Wave” was going to materialize, then you just weren’t paying attention.

  17. Patriot Nathan Hale once said “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”.

    Let’s put that in a modern context.

    It is generally impossible for ANY person to be protected completely against a determined man who is willing to give his life to take anothers. Failures only happen because of poor planning and execution or an inability to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of others. Take the bombing assassination attempt on Hitler, for example. This was planned and executed by men who were primarily interested in surviving the attempt so they could rule in his stead. As a result, no one was there to see to it the bomb was not moved and Hitler survived to murder millions more, and the would-be assasins were killed anyway if they did not suicide.

    But the problem can be larger than one man. Would a Nazi state run by, say, Himmler or Goering have been any better? Would killing one man in the surest way possible have altered history, or merely altered the names?

    Evil is legion in humans and tends to survive individual evildoers, as there are more than many willing to continue his aims. With but one life to give for your country, however determined one may be, however successful one may be, how can one be TRULY sure they are spending all that they have to take out the root and not merely a branch?

    A question that may become very, very relevant in these ever darkening days.

    Food for thought. Don’t eat too much.

  18. Like I said last night you can’t beat the machines and mail in ballots.

    Take my state one that they claim is one of the most secure. None are secure that use tabulators to count votes. We have paper ballots, but we must scan them into a machine. Two statewide offices that were the most hotly contested were Governor and Superintendent of Public Education. Millions of dark money was spent on these races.
    Governor ended up winning by almost 14 points, votes cast on election day he won by a little over 18 points. Absentee mail in ballots he lost by about 24 points. Two others on the ballot, a Libertarian and Independent they ended with a little over 2% combined.
    Superintendent won by about 13 points, on election day about 18 points, absentee mail in he lost by 23 points.

    Now I’m sure they did some machine tampering as well, as usual the
    liberal big counties had their issues and took them hours after the rest of the state to get their results. Nothing like you see across the country, but not timely like the rest of the state either.

    So today I feel the same way, we in red states haven’t been able to get our own state to severely limit absentee ballots, although they did add some additional safequards, it doesn’t stop the union mail carriers from making them disappear or steaming them open and replacing them. We haven’t been able to make them have one day voting or get rid of the tabulating machines. We sure can’t do anything about other states.

    We’re left with escaping if we had somewhere to escape, dying, seceding or gunpowder and lead.

  19. The Dirty Dems told everyone they were going to cheat and Bitch McConnell, McCarthy and Ronna Mittens did absolutely NOTHING.
    The activist judges are in full cya for them all.
    Here in Maine the leftists won just about everything.
    We may have Poliquin going to DC if RCV isn’t successful.
    General Mills is still guv.
    No more covid money though so she’ll burn through every cent we have in a couple of months. Vax mandates will be forthcoming for kids in school. She is going to try to implement CA style electric car laws.
    The good news is it looks like the R’s took the House section of the Legislature. They choose the constitutional officers, AG, SOS, etc. They can also stop most of Mills’ spending on illegals and the permanent $2B rent assistance (for illegals).

  20. Hmmm..Kari Lake might win so we should tell Republicans not to mail in ballots but on Election Day they will stand in line like the idiots they are so that their vote counts and then we will have the electronic machines shut down for hours and they will just stand in line until 20 percent never vote and we will win. Make sure the judge is clued in and fix the popcorn. So easy, just like in ww2 …they believe in rule of law, they practice civility, they trust government, they are naturally optimistic so this trick will work and then we can punish them at will.

  21. @SNS November 9, 2022 at 9:26 am

    > A question that may become very, very relevant


    (At least no more relevant, to life, than “What speed must the Turtle be swimming at, to cause the Sun to swing over the flat, perfectly square, Earth’s sky, as it does?”)

  22. @Doc November 9, 2022 at 11:01 am

    > Election/Voter fraud need to be a FEDERAL CAPITAL CRIME on the same level as TREASON!

    How many Party members have crowed their treasons to the the proles? And been executed?

  23. Time for PA to DROP the 2 “blue anchors” – Pittsburgh & Philthy. Bulldoze Pittsburgh into the Ohio (eventually, it’ll be the east coast of Mexico’s problem – & bulldoze Philthy into Joisey!

  24. @ mystaclean NOVEMBER 9, 2022 AT 7:57 AM

    “I’m going to be really pissed when the feds decide that my retirement account belongs to the people of the world.”

    By the time inflation and xiden’s policies get done with my retirement account, there isn’t going to be much for the people of the world to enjoy. Or me either!!


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