State of the Union Right HERE – IOTW Report

State of the Union Right HERE

Look at this

20 Comments on State of the Union Right HERE

  1. The California effect. It happened to Colorado, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho…
    These progressives created a socialist shithole of the Golden State, then fled to the surrounding Red States, and turned them blue.

  2. Hey Johnny! Did yer parents ever have any kids that lived?

    Johnny: “Just barely!”

    We’re barreling down the highway to the Ninth Circle of Hell!
    Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century!

  3. Two things to think about:

    We Christians have been hearing this repeated over and over and over again: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

    “..shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways…”

    If you read Revelation — the letters Jesus instructs John to write to the 7 churches in the 1st century — you will find that even in the midst of carrying out their commission, Jesus had issues with each of them and threatened to take down their light stands if they didn’t shape up. There is no such thing as a “good enough” Christian. If you aren’t even trying to obey God’s instructions to the letter, he will spit your lukewarmness out, and you along with it.

    I don’t need to point out the un-Godly things that have been said here for the past two years. I’ve been tempted, and failed temptation myself, but I’ve been taking God at his word, too. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

    I therefore exhort any who call themselves Christian to do what the Lord has asked us to do. We are not supposed to go-along in order to get along. Remember Gideon’s army? 300 men against 135,000 Midianites.

    We must cease to rely on our own understanding. However this course takes us, we do know how the story ends. Whether Jesus reappears later today or thousands of days from now, the only leader of our cause is God himself. Don’t take your eyes off him.

  4. AbigailAdams
    NOVEMBER 9, 2022 AT 9:13 AM

    “If you read Revelation — the letters Jesus instructs John to write to the 7 churches in the 1st century”

    And none of the seven churches exist today. All were destroyed by Islam.

  5. JDH,
    I’m thinking it’s a case of the blue urban tail wagging the rest of the red conservative dog.

  6. @Tony R November 9, 2022 at 8:05 am

    > progressives created a socialist shithole of the Golden State, then fled to the surrounding Red States, and turned them blue

    After Not Progressives(TM) put up such a Heroic(TM) fight.

  7. If we don’t include abortion, let’s say a mother gives birth (she wants the baby), and the baby has some urgent medical problem, this NO vote suggests doctors can throw their hands up and walk away??? WTF?!?

    Meanwhile an illegal walks in the emergency room with a taco lodged in his throat and medical attention is required?

  8. I, perhaps alone, believe this election was also rigged.
    Not as obviously, since Shitpants was already installed in a big obvious fraud, but in dribs and drabs within all the shithole states.

    If you look at most states, election results were clear. If you analyze each state by its level of corruption, then you can conclude which elections were indeed legitimate.


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