It’s Currently 48-46: GOP Needs Three Senate Seats – IOTW Report

It’s Currently 48-46: GOP Needs Three Senate Seats

Here’s the path.

Alaska is a done deal. There is no dem running. Kelly Tshibaka is currently ahead of Murkowski.

That is 49.

It looks like Laxalt will prevail in Nevada. That would be 50.

Many are confident that Blake Masters has this race in Arizona. Kari Lake says not only does she have it, Masters will win as well.

If this holds, the GOP does not need Walker’s seat. 51 seats and control of the senate would be secured.

But it’s nice to know we will still have a run-off in Georgia if Nevada or Arizona comes up short.

Now, having said all this, one still has to worry about the Romneys of the world. That prick is McCain reanimated.

14 Comments on It’s Currently 48-46: GOP Needs Three Senate Seats

  1. “In AZ:”

    I’ve spent quite a bit of time in AZ. I know we have readers that live there. I’m not seeing those demographics you’ve listed. You sure as hell won’t find and D’s in Cave Creek on a Saturday Night. Therefore I don’t get what’s going on and why no wholesale revolt.

  2. Ass hats at CNN:

    48 Demo – 49 Pubes

    It is AS pathetic as Canuckistan, that such idiots can continue to vote for the people who make their lives harder.

    Senator Fester, However, proves a whole new level of LOW IQ Voter. I’m gobsmacked. He couldn’t fill an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen for minimum wage.

    Steeltown, Coal & Oilmen MY ASS!

  3. “Now, having said all this, one still has to worry about the Romneys of the world. That prick is McCain reanimated.”

    Which is exactly why a simple 51-seat majority is not enough. Romney, Collins, Graham, etc., etc., etc. — you need 51 seats PLUS whatever it takes to nullify these assholes whenever they side with the D’s (which they inevitably will).

  4. Alaska has that stoopid rank choice voting. Lisa Murkowski could still win. Hannity (I know) thinks Tshibaka is going to lose.

    Sarah Palin lost her election because of rank choice.

  5. Control of the Senate with McConnell at the helm is only the smallest fraction of an inch better than having Schumer in charge. I’m convinced that should we secure the Senate that there would not be enough support to unseat McConnell. He knows where the bodies are buried, who’s diddling little boys, all the dirt.

    We need term limits but it’s never, ever going to happen.

  6. There’s an initiative on the ballot to bring rank choice voting to Seattle. It’s winning so far. It’s just Seattle but it’ll go statewide eventually if it passes there.

    Ridiculous. So, left coast is Left coast forever.

  7. It isn’t just the Romneys of the world it is the entire GOP leadership. They hate MAGA and they are clearly trying to woo Desantis to take on Trump and get them into a pissing match and they could care less if they both are out and they slip in a real Romney. You want to blame someone for the results, blame them.

  8. @Kcir above has it nailed. Pennsylvania, you ALL are FUCKED. We patriots who love our country will not listen once Uncle Fetterman is seated(if he lives that long)& you are crying the tired chant, “but we didn’t vote for this”. Fuck you. Just because he had the “D” after his name, you pulled the lever. Even though he is clearly not up to the job. Now, you get to reap what you have sown. I will have not one iota of sympathy for you. Most people who are SANE will feel the same way. The same goes for you idiots in New York. NYC was already a shithole & you have elected a Governor who is the epitome of corruption. Good luck, you morons are gonna need lots of it.


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