Why is there no result in Arizona? Short Answer- STUPID PEOPLE – IOTW Report

Why is there no result in Arizona? Short Answer- STUPID PEOPLE

Seems strange, though, that battleground areas continually have errors, pipe leaks, tabulator problems. What’s the problem in Nevada?

13 Comments on Why is there no result in Arizona? Short Answer- STUPID PEOPLE

  1. C’mon.
    Traitorous conniving operatives of the Hate-America Globaloney Demonrats.

    Arizona should have cleared this mess up 2 years ago: charged the maggots with Treason, Tried them, and then Executed them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. When democRATz get caught –
    “I ran out of gas, I had a flat tire, I didn’t have enough money for cab fare, my tux didn’t come back from the cleaners, an old freind came in from out of town, someone stole my car, there was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT I SWEAR TO GOD!”

  3. No more vote dumps. Much too obvious. Now they can manipulate the count slowly and by varying the algorithm. If you remember Jonathan Pulitzer’s testimony where he showed the exact same vote count trajectory in almost every county in GA(?) because they all were using the same fraudulent algorithm.

    They’ve made ballot harvesting, multiple runs of ballots through counting machines, infusing 100s of 1,000s of of illegal ballots into the count, stuffing drop boxes, scores of faulty misregistered voters, dead people voting and a myriad of other ways to fraudulently cheat, outmoded.

    All of that is unnecessary now. Just tweak the count enough to have us walking away saying, gee close but no cigar. If you think that’s another conspiracy theory, check out once crooked FL where a number of critical changes were made. Even solid blue Miami/Dade County was forced to make an accurate count and whadda know, it was really red.

  4. Just coincidentaly, the Maricopa election board is run by a never-trumper RINO. But we are supposed to believe it is incompetence, not cheating. And by the way, where are those hand-counted ballots being taken to be counted? What is the chain of custody? Are they being guarded? Are observers allowed to accompany them? Too many questions.

  5. I know I can be a sarcastic a-hole but I don’t see any sense in Trump running and I really, really hope as a resident of Florida, that DeSantis doesn’t run. The reason why is that there is no way to win. No way without comprehensive and effective election reform in states controlled by democrats. We know that’s not going to happen.


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