Blowout Victories in Areas Where Voter Integrity Was Focused On – IOTW Report

Blowout Victories in Areas Where Voter Integrity Was Focused On


1. Iowa and Florida did the hard work to clean up voting. They had blowout victories.

2. Guam doesn’t have voting power. Thus not worth frauding. They had a blowout victory.

3. Iowa had tons of abortion, reeeeeee campaigning. The result was to turn redder.

From that we can make some conclusions:

1. It’s the fraud. Anyone who is taking the abortion talking point can kindly stuff it.

2. It’s the fraud. If you aren’t interested in doing the hard local work to clean it up, you aren’t interested in winning.

3. We have a mild win. Why are y’all casting it as the defeat to end all defeats? I don’t care how much of a losing fetish you have. If you must indulge it hire a dominatrix and do it in private.

Ian Bruene

To this I’d add two notes: there are contests still undecided. By doing the normal GOP and GOPe bullshit of going “Oh, this is perfectly legit with just a bit of fraud” you are ensuring those contests are frauded dem. And that we lose the Senate.


HT/ RadioMatt

4 Comments on Blowout Victories in Areas Where Voter Integrity Was Focused On

  1. TSUNAMI November 10, 2022 at 10:58 pm:

    “Start this from the 53:20 mark. You be the judge. Some of you know who this is, and some don’t. It doesn’t matter.


    Good Find – THANKS (if it is for real)…BUT! Why didn’t he take a video of the overnight event? He had plenty of time. No Web site named/data. The voting machines nationwide are all connected to the Internet?

    I’d say BS! Talk is cheap. But a colorful imagination (with a relevant “background”) and made-up lies sells more soap and makes more money. So, what is it?

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