100k For Info On Who Put a Noose at Obama Center Construction Site – IOTW Report

100k For Info On Who Put a Noose at Obama Center Construction Site

It was Jussie Smollet. Now PAY ME!


Foundation officials are condemning a “shameless act of cowardice and hate” at the site of former President Barack Obama’s presidential center in Jackson Park on Thursday morning.

Officials say a noose was discovered at the project site and construction has been halted.

”We reported the incident to the police and will provide any assistance required to identify those responsible,” Lakeside Alliance, the construction team building the center, said in an emailed release.

”We have zero tolerance for any form of bias or hate on our worksite. Anti-bias training is included in our onboarding process and reiterated during sitewide meetings. We are suspending all operations on-site in order to provide another series of these trainings and conversations for all staff and workers,” the statement said.

They are offering a $100,000 reward to help find whoever was responsible.

“Our priority is protecting the health and safety of our workforce. We have notified authorities who are investigating the incident.”


48 Comments on 100k For Info On Who Put a Noose at Obama Center Construction Site

  1. Biden really didn’t like Obama. He reminded him of Cornpop and the whole razor vs chain fight thingy haunted his dreams….This is all about Biden’s build back better program where he gives the brothers a “noose in every pot”…

  2. It sounds like the Hucksturds & Jive Construction Co is playing right along with virtue signels and victimhood shakedowns ala Al Sharpton shysturd stunts. They may end up with Millions in PTSD Worker Claims Compensation. The Obama Building itself is just a front for this exact usage. Pure Turd.

  3. a picture, please
    what’s the new word?
    Oh, yeah- triggering
    they’re playing with imposed impressions
    brought to you by the msm
    probably sponsored by pfizer
    if it is for real, or that big of a deal, show a pic of it

  4. So? Was there a person’s neck inside the “noose”? If not, then it’s just a garage door pull, a piece of rope.

  5. Same effect as a cross on vampires. FEAR, freezes them and they can’t work till the investigation is over. Time off with pay. Where’s some garlic?

  6. Is this another pull handle on a rope like the NASCAR racetrack thing? I get so tired of Democrats passing off their racism on Republicans. Even if this was the act of one person who really gives a fuck? Biden is allowed to blame half the nation for his racism and pedophilia and not one Democrat speaks up. Fuck all of them.

  7. How many FBI agents were pulled from important investigations like fentanyl smuggling or child exploitation to investigate this?
    Why did they shut down construction because of this?

  8. Another “Reichstag Fire” moment – brought to you by the FBI and their operatives.

    A noose is so passé that only one of Garland’s stooges could have thought of it.

    I guess the negroes of Chicago are all cowering under their beds (which, hopefully, don’t have white sheets)?

    Pitiful try, FBI.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Diogenes Sarcastica is right.
    The locals were pissed about giving 0bama the park.
    They’ve been suing to stop the project for a while now.

    0bama was supposed to ‘share’ the area but he lied.

    We posted articles on this a while back.

  10. manbearpig
    NOVEMBER 11, 2022 AT 6:57 AM
    “One positive–it will pull FIB agents away from persecuting Christians to focus on this BS.”

    No worries, we’ve got 80,000 new armed “IRS Agents” who are psychologically conditioned and legally permissioned to kill to take the battle to those Christians soon enough…

  11. My first question would be what’s the message behind it? Obviously someone felt slighted by Obama – could be just about anyone who accidentally left their dog’s noose behind.

  12. Yes, the B.S.-meter is pegged on this one. If they reported all the materials at the job site were repeatedly stolen overnight, then that would be Shitcago.

    Apparently the workers didn’t understand that they already got today off for Veteran’s Day.

  13. That’s funny… the only photo accompanying the story is of the police holding a plastic bag which we are told contains “a rope”. At least the NASCAR fiasco showed a photo of the “noose”, which quickly debunked the narrative, since every garage door had the same “noose”. So the media learned their lesson, and will not show the “noose” in question, so they can keep the story alive, while the renewed fundraising continues.

  14. Probably something used for/during construction. I used to see noose like tie offs on construction sites. Good for quick connect and disconnects when raising materials or tools.

  15. Remember this noose hoax? FBI says rope had been in Talladega garage since October; Bubba Wallace not victim of hate crime

    Everyone wants to be associated with the dreadful noose…so they can collect money or privileges because of the color of their skin.

  16. Jellybean, tell that to John Brown and other criminal/traitor that was ever hanged from a gallows. Hanging has been the preferred method of execution since time immemorial. Another prime example from the Old Testament is Haman who was hung from his own gallows after he was exposed as an enemy of the Israelites. Others include Adolph Eichmann, Saddam Hussein and lots of unfortunate horse thieves in the old West etc. etc,, all dead bad guys.

  17. They don’t seem to investigate crimes unless it serves the lefts plans, they manage crime. See the laptop from hell for further details.
    There’s a war going on in the US. Mostly peaceful?

  18. Another bullshit racist hoax.It is a piece of rope on a construction site. Rope is used for lots of things on such a place. Hoisting heavy loads via crane, electricians use rope to pull wire & cable. They frequently use what is known to people who aren’t Democrats as a timber hitch. Perhaps the jug-eared messiah could work for a few days on his egomanical testament to himself to just float everything into place using his powers of persuasion. No rope needed. Everybody happy.

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