Barack Obama Has Some Explaining To Do About “Monkeying Around” – IOTW Report

Barack Obama Has Some Explaining To Do About “Monkeying Around”

ht/ jd hasty

7 Comments on Barack Obama Has Some Explaining To Do About “Monkeying Around”

  1. But first you have to purge the military of any conservatives and members who adhere to the constitution.
    Then you have to weaponize the alphabet agencies to hold your views.
    He knew what he was doing and did it well. Any criticism was handled as racism.

  2. Obama-Bin-Lyin is much too boring to watch. Fact is that the carnival barker Joe Biden himself admitted to an “extensive voter fraud organization” which was also put into place for this Obama guy. While msm hides or twists arund Biden’s admission, Biden also implicated himself in the Nordstream pipleline sabotage, being the ignoramus howler monkey that he is. Take note that msm hid that one too but not well enough.


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