Something Smells in Arizona – IOTW Report

Something Smells in Arizona

28 Comments on Something Smells in Arizona

  1. Not discounting cheating from Hobbs, who of course is currently the person in charge of counting the votes. But the total number of votes for governor is, in fact, greater than the total for treasurer. Math is hard!
    Also, a conservative Arizona friend was campaigning hard for Lake’s primary opponent, who he felt was a far better (more conservative) choice than Lake. He supported Lake in November of course. And he said that the Senate candidate also was not particularly strong. Often hard to tell when you aren’t from that state and haven’t known the candidates until the final cycle.
    BTW he is already planning to move to another state. Similarly to me, I suppose.

  2. I am so sick of all of this. Just as in 2020, every human on earth including the demons on the left, know this election was stolen. The fact that so-called conservative commentators and websites are debating what went wrong, is just proof that they are in on it.
    To me, it is clear what has to be done, but I know that it will never happen. If there is one high-ranking military person who is not beholden to Obama or Biden that person needs to take control of the armed forces and seize the government.
    Start with redoing this election. The military controls the voting, same day voting only, no mail ins, no late votes, no computer voting – paper ballots only. All votes hand counted three times for accuracy, the winners announced by midnight of election day. Then, compare those votes to the so-called votes on November 8th. Any large discrepancies are investigated to the nth degree. Everywhere fraud is proven, the guilty parties are arrested and charged with treason. Have them tried in a military court and hand out the appropriate punishment for treason.
    When the new congress is sworn in, let the top military person hold the presidency until the 2024 election, and repeat the procedure. We all know that will never happen, because if it did, the democrats would never win another election.
    As I said, I know this will never happen, which means we are 100% screwed as a country. Trump will be remembered as the last GOP president, and the congress will now have one-part rule forever.
    The worst part, as Reagan said, “America is the last free countr on earth, if we fall, there’s no where else to go.” As of today, there is no where else to go.

  3. But there’s no widespread election fraud.
    Just Maricopa County AZ, Clarke County NV, Wayne County MI and Cheddar County WI (OK, I made that last one up because I don’t want to look it up), and a couple of counties in PA.
    Throw in Fulton County, GA. next month with the run off.

  4. …Let’s first get this information all over Social Media, so the whole country can judge for thems…huh, it says “Banned”. Guess not.

    …perhaps the new Senate will investiga…oh, that’s right.

    The DOJ, FBI, and FEC will want…to…look…int…what? Democrats there too? NM.

    …well, surely we can turn to the Courts…what do you MEAN, “No Standing”?

    …OK, have the Governor of Arizona investigate the Secretary of…THEY’RE THE SAME PERSON?!?

    …lessee, then…
    Soap box? Censored.
    Ballot box? Stolen.
    Jury box? Closed for “standing”.

    …seems like there’s one last box we can turn to here…

  5. from the burning platform:
    The Bushes, Clinton, Obama, and Trump all lost a significant number of seats after their 1st two years in office. We have a dementia patient in chief with an approval rating below 40%, the worst inflation in 40 years, 75% of the country saying the country is on the wrong track, and politicians, generals, and media talking heads blustering about nuclear war, but we are being told by our overlords Biden’s party supposedly has picked up a seat in the Senate and has broken even in the House. It’s so laughable only a liberal arts graduate or MSNBC bimbo talking head would believe it.

  6. Left Coast Dan,
    I have a friend who lives in Arizona, I messaged her the other night and asked what the heck in Arizona. She said she believes if not outright cheating, incompetence is going on in Maricopa. I think Kari Lake is great, so was surprised when she told me conservatives in the state were really split on the two in the primary, even in her own house. She voted for Lake and her husband voted for Robson. She said Masters was liked even less and that she had fully expected him to lose. She said she expected the Governor’s race to be close though because of how many conservatives she knew that didn’t like her.

  7. Irate Nate: That is a possibility, but at this point I think I’d take my chances with a real General over anything the democrats have in place.
    I just can’t believe there’s no one in the military ready to uphold the oath they took to defend the constitution.

  8. Someone wins,someone loses thats how elections work. Not enough people support the crash & burn theory or extreme views or that everytime someone loses it means an election was at all stolen. Just like the boy who cried wolf enough people believe those are completely false claims with ABSOLUTELY no proof. Mental help is out there. Military that’s nuts, get mental help.

  9. @Irate Nate November 15, 2022 at 9:50 am

    > what do you do when that “top military person” is just as evil as the people they are supposed to be watching?

    You rely on the fact that he’s stupid enough to insist on a “do over”. Riding the same roller coaster. On the, exact, same track. Again.

    Even if he’s as evil as those he “replaced”, if he does the, exact, same thing, again… It’ll turn out good, this time.

  10. Please tell me those of you with righty friends in AZ, who preferred someone else in the primary, that they didn’t sit the election out because their preferred candidate didn’t win?!?

    If they didn’t, it sounds like maybe some could have if Lake and Masters weren’t “well liked”. Oof.

  11. Not all of the votes for Hobbs were fraudulent, just enough to drag her over the line. Once again, hundreds of thousands of equity immigrants from California who fled the democrat hell-hole of the golden state, stubbornly continue to vote for progressives.

  12. How valid is the process when we are forbidden to question the process? If we do not look for fraud, it cannot exist?

    Ever since JFK stole the election from Nixon, the Dems have known they can do pretty much anything and get away with it. There are too many Republicans who make it a point of pride to never challenge an election, as though they are somehow preserving the Republic from chaos. I see nothing noble in that attitude.


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