Harris Says College Kids Are Stupid- Yet, This is Who The Left Courts For Power — STUPID PEOPLE – IOTW Report

Harris Says College Kids Are Stupid- Yet, This is Who The Left Courts For Power — STUPID PEOPLE

10 Comments on Harris Says College Kids Are Stupid- Yet, This is Who The Left Courts For Power — STUPID PEOPLE

  1. Hey Harris. Correction. All Prog college kids are stupid because they major in bullshit degrees that does not have any kind of job demand. Then they cry they cannot repay their huge student loans.

  2. Why is it that if this group is “stupid” and “make really bad decisions”, the democratic party wants them to be able to decide to change their gender and mutilate their bodies?

  3. Most young Millennials and Gen Z can’t sign their names, spell, count or know anything about history. The future is not looking bright for these Demwits. Many will be swept up in cattle cars when they finally figure it out years from now.

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