Ligma/Johnson “Rehired” By Elon Musk – IOTW Report

Ligma/Johnson “Rehired” By Elon Musk

These two guys trolled the left as they wrote about the heartbreaking severance of Ligma and Johnson from Twitter. Musk was so impressed with the trolling he vowed to “rehire” them.

10 Comments on Ligma/Johnson “Rehired” By Elon Musk

  1. Don’t do Twatter, so I don’t know who these two are. But good on Mr Musk for admitting an error & “re-hiring” them.

    And it’s not uncommon when a large purchase/merger/change-of-bosses takes place, that EVERYONE is fired, top to bottom, and the best/most suitable are re-hired.

  2. I loved the story on Clay & Buck today about the Twitter “brainiac” employee complaining about Musk on Slack. Musk was monitoring in the background and interjected with “you’re fired”!

    These Dumb Twitts are so full of themselves they virtually strut around saying “fire me Bro!”
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnd he did… Earning themselves a Grande Nelson “Ha Ha”


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