Republicans Officially Take the House – IOTW Report

Republicans Officially Take the House


Kevin Kiley (R-CA), former President Donald Trump’s choice in California’s third congressional district, defeated his Democrat opponent on Tuesday, securing the House majority for the Republican Party, according to a Decision Desk HQ projection one week after Election Day.

The race was called for Kiley after the GOP secured victories in five key House districts in California and Arizona on Monday night. More

14 Comments on Republicans Officially Take the House

  1. I hope I’m wrong, but I expect McCarthy the GOPe RINOs to continue the Rep House tradition and dump loads of shit on any and every attempt to rein in govt overreach and to thwart the hideously corrupt business-as-usual money flow to uniparty players.

  2. When will the dems all get kicked off of their committees?
    When will Nasty Pelosi be kicked out of her office and installed in the little closet by the garbage chute?
    The Republicans better play hard ball with NO QUARTER given.
    This is not the time for pussy Republicans to reach across the aisle. The only reach I want to see is the Dems bitch-slapped into submission.

  3. Republicans take the BLAME, you mean.

    The enemedia will see to THAT.

    Not enough to overcome the RINOS, and the RINOS will derail EVERY investigation and any impeachment attempt because “That’s not who we are”.

    Still, nice to make Skeletor of the Casa Del Backdoor surrender the gavel.

    But it really won’t change anything but the focus of the blame for the inevitable collapse.

  4. No time for celebration, McCarthy will again show himself as a student and appointee of both Boehner or Ryan.
    McCarthy and McCONnell are the go along, get along twins.
    Neither support Conservative Values or the GOP Principles outlined in their Platform.
    More of the same disappointments and treachery.


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