Legislation Barring Donald Trump from Holding Office Being Floated in the House – IOTW Report

Legislation Barring Donald Trump from Holding Office Being Floated in the House

abc news

Rep. David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat who served as a House manager for the second Trump impeachment, is circulating legislation that would seek to bar Donald Trump from holding federal office again under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — language meant to block former Confederates from serving in Congress and regaining power. More

36 Comments on Legislation Barring Donald Trump from Holding Office Being Floated in the House

  1. If they won’t let him run, I’ll write him in anyway.
    And take a photo – fuck their “no camera” rules.
    Mighty fucking sick of ‘rules for thee, but not for wee’.

  2. Don scares the shit out of THE UNIPARTY. NOT JUST Ronny hater John Thune, but GWB’s BFF joe Biden, nancy P., Chuck S et. al.
    They lie when they say he will not win!
    Thune is shitting his pants as i type. As did nancy and Chuck this morning.

  3. Tony R
    NOVEMBER 16, 2022 AT 7:16 PM

    …Of course it will take more than 2 years to get to the Supreme Court…”

    And when it GETS there?

    *say it with me!*


    (Still love doing that!)

  4. Linda, thanks for the good laugh. A Libtard mentioning fact checks. That’s a good portion of your entire problem. You wouldn’t know a fact if it bit you on your big old ass.
    So, you first. Fact Check away.

  5. (emphasis added:)

    No person shall … hold any office, civil or military, under the United States … who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States .. to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof

    Do it, big boy! Do it!

  6. @TSUNAMI November 16, 2022 at 8:25 pm

    > 50% of his base felt betrayed, I think.

    So 50% felt vindicated, you think.

    And… What will all of them do differently? The betrayed? The vindicated? The “un”-decided?

    That is what Trump-ism is. What MAGA is. What constitutional conservatism is.

    So, 2024 will be?

  7. I think many people including myself expected Trump to talk about the election theft and what is being done about it to rectify it, but we got another “Trump rally speech” instead.

    Ann Barnhardt describes it as “KAYFABE”.

    I think Americans can handle the ugly truth Trump seems to be suppressing. He needs to come out with it. ALL OF IT.

    Why does everything have to be cloak and daggerish.

    If Trump is trying to bring people to the precipice, he’s going to see something unlike what’s happening in Brazil, because those people aren’t armed like Americans are.

    Fuck around and find out.

    That’s my opinion.

  8. Tusnami. How could he come out all fire and brimstone out of the gate?
    There has to be a build up, he knows he has been wronged and he will get there just wait.
    He is our last hope. Ron will get killed, the press will see to that, just wait and see.
    He will not say he is running until he is told to.
    Most likely after steal the vote from H. Walker.

  9. Trump absolutely needs to come out firing bullets! Voter fraud is an obvious target. Another target that is every bit as critical is the Central Bank Digital Currency! This has to be stopped or voter fraud becomes a non-issue. If the Fed or our Government has the power to regulate the value of the dollars you have in your account based on your level of compliance then the shit will have officially hit the fan!

  10. all I know is that Trump scares the fucking bejesus out of everyone in DC. That’s reason enough for me to vote for him. I don’t care is he’s crass, egotistical or a meaney as long as the DC elite crap their pants at the though of Trump being elected.

  11. It seems to me that the Deep State expected something like I expected fro Trump as well. Just look at all the bullshit distractions they tried yesterday to steal the spotlight.

    Much like Biden, Trump is only the face presented to the public. Who is actually running/handling Trump? Lindsey Graham?


  12. It is interesting in a number of ways. If you are a Congress-critter or appointed official, you tend to think that obedience is created by laws, decrees, and threats. In actual fact, the reason that “most” people obey laws is that they share a Social Contract; a sense of what is right and wrong based on history, culture, and events.

    We have had two national general elections stolen blatently by a coalition of parties who have destroyed any belief in the integrity of the “system” created by both the Constitution and the predating Social Contract. And there is no path within the system for redress of grievances, because they control the elections. Right now, belief in the power of the Social Contract is weakening. The same Contract that ensures obedience to and the legitimacy of those in power.

    I’m pretty sure that we are at or past 50% of the population believing that the elections were stolen and what it implies. That includes those who believe that they were robbed of consent of the governed [another unique part of our Social Contract] and those who did the robbing. In the absence of that Contract, we return to what Thomas Hobbes [author of The Social Contract in 1651, well known to the Founding Fathers] called the State of Nature, “Life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. . . . The condition of man is a condition of war of everyone against everyone.” At least until a new Social Contract is accepted by the survivors.

    So let us say that we already cannot have confidence in the integrity of the means of measuring consent of the governed, elections; and now those in power decree that those who do not agree with them are barred from elections. Not the best way to have a non-violent and civil society.

    Subotai Bahadur

  13. @Subotai Bahadur November 16, 2022 at 10:17 pm

    I’ve seen that many people like to send prayers to the spirits of… somebody’s… ancestors.

    But! Thomas Hobbes? At least pray to something that isn’t brighter now, centuries dead, than when alive.

  14. Democrats have repeated that lie so often I almost believe it. Just kidding. However, the liberal media has your average American thinking he walked in the people’s house with a AR-14 and 100-round clip and killed everyone, luckily AOC got away by some miracle, he had her in his sights.

  15. @Mr_Pinko NOVEMBER 17, 2022 AT 12:22 AM

    Why are they so afraid of Trump running if he’s such a “loser”?
    If Dems really believed Trump would lose, they would want him to run.


    BINGO !!

    Why all the trolls here so concerned about some loser who can’t win? Y’all have the elections rigged anyway!

    That’s why you guys freak about vote integrity and cleaning the rolls of all the dead people on them.

    Cheating is the only way you guys win. Sane people aren’t on your side.

    If he’s so bad, whatchu worried about?

  16. Hey dipshit; “For what? Being an INSURGENT.
    Insurrectionist &/or treasonist.
    Unconstitutional, the hell it ain’t. Attempting a coup against the United States Government has consequences.”
    Little thing called EVIDENCE, not manufactured “russian collusion” bullshit.
    What were the charges/outcome?
    Never paid a fine, never found guilty of anything.
    Just a victim of corrupt government fishing expeditions.
    Go back to mommy’s basement-this is a site for thinking people.

  17. “Lemme see
 Trump saves DeSantis in his run against Andrew Gillum. Trump shares his MAGA base with DeSantis, sends big donors his way, and has rallies for him. DeSantis grows in popularity, and consorts with RINOS and Never Trumpers. Desantis is floated as a Presidential Candidate”

    #Trump HELPED you become where you are TODAY!

    THE DEEP STATE PLAN – Divide Trump and DeSantis and PENCE gets in!

    STICK WITH #TRUMP! Let’s not go the ROUTE of TED CRUZ vs. TRUMP in 2016!

    60% of Ron DeSantis’ donations have come from donations of $50,000 or more. 54% of Donald Trump’s donations have come from donations of less than $200. Just 6% of these donations went to DeSantis. Ron DeSantis is backed by billionaires and the establishment. Here are some of them:

    Ken Griffin is Ron DeSantis’ biggest donor. He has donated $5,000,000 to DeSantis. He is the founder of Citadel Capital, yes, THAT Citadel the multibillion dollar Wall Street firm that was the main target of the GameStop short squeeze. Also pressured robinhood to stop GME trading

    A partner for Sequoia Capital, Roelof Botha, is also the CFO for PayPal. That’s right, PayPal the company that is fining users $2500 for “misinformation.”

    David MacNeil, the founder of WeatherTech. Did not support Trump in 2020 due to his stance on DACA. He stated that he would stop donating to GOP opponents of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

    Robert Bigelow donated over $10,000,000 to DeSantis. The founder of Budget Suites of America. He is an alien and UFO nut. He believes that aliens will attempt to take over earth soon (project blue beam anyone?)

    Paul Tudor Jones. He is a billionaire hedge fund manager who donated over $1,000,000 to DeSantis. He offered support to his friend, Harvey Weinstein, following revelations of sexual misconduct. He also hosted a fundraiser for Barack Obama in 2008.

    Face it, DeSantis is beholden to Wall Street billionaires. None of these Wall Street billionaires have America First’s interests. Choose wisely, MAGA

  18. @@Mr_Pinko November 17, 2022 at 1:00 pm

    > DeSantis is beholden to Wall Street billionaires.

    “Beholden” isn’t good enough. Never has been.

    The Party allows some to intern. Those that do things The Party way are hired. Those that do things more The Party way are promoted. Until they reach their level of “I’ll do anything for power, but I won’t do that.”

    It’s not what he’s been offered. It’s not what he’s taken. It’s what he is.

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