Michelle Obama Says She Wore Her Hair Straight in White House Because Americans Weren’t “Ready For” Her Natural Hair – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama Says She Wore Her Hair Straight in White House Because Americans Weren’t “Ready For” Her Natural Hair

Michelle Obama is a f8cking liar.


Former first lady Michelle Obama is recounting her time at the White House and how she had to wear her hair. While those two things may seem disparate, she insists that the styles she chose were considered and intentional, because she thought that much of America wasn’t ready to see a Black woman with her natural hair in the White House. Obama said she decided to straighten her hair as the American people were “just getting adjusted” to having a Black first family, the Washington Post reports.

“Nope, they’re not ready for it,” she said, referencing the general American public. She explained that she thought that her hair would take focus from more important issues and could even be politicized, so she decided to just keep it straight for most of the Obama administration.

“Let me keep my hair straight,” she said. “Let’s get healthcare passed.”

She went on to say that it’s something that Black women deal with all the time, even if they’re not walking the hallowed halls of the White House. She likened it to other office “rules,” like wearing pantyhose and the “appropriate” length for skirts.

“We deal with it – the whole thing about, ‘Do you show up with your natural hair?’” Obama said. “That’s the African American experience … but women in offices that are worried, ‘Should I wear skirts? Should I wear pantyhose?’ I hate pantyhose.”


Here she is with her hair straight way before The White House-

50 pictures of Michelle Obama at 50 | US news | The Guardian

These people make up sh*t out of nowhere. It’s the 21st Century. This “negro hair” phobia is a lie. No one cares. The one who cares is HER! She wants straight hair, but she can’t say that because she is so desperate to be seen as some sort of subversive activist that is troubled by the white people.

That’s crap.

Barack Obama - Barack met Michelle Robinson, now Michelle Obama, while  working at the same law firm. They recently shared the story of their first  date: http://OFA.BO/ujAbKX | Facebook

40 Comments on Michelle Obama Says She Wore Her Hair Straight in White House Because Americans Weren’t “Ready For” Her Natural Hair

  1. Just wondering since the Obama woman, a disbarred attorney, would have thought the same regarding all those hospitalized elderly patients she scammed, defrauded, and stole from through their medical insurance which resulted in her being disbarred, all hidden by msm but not well enough.


    Only slightly OT:
    “a Black first family”
    How are the O’Bozo children?
    You know, Malia and Sasha? The ones that apparently came out of nowhere, no apparent pregnancies….. (of course, I was SO NOT paying attention at that time).

  3. Do the democrats use a Random Grievance Generator?
    Does David Brock control the franchising rights and selling those will be his new gig?

    Does the multi-millionaire affirmative action hire with three, multi-million dollar mansions ever stop complaining?

  4. So always the victim. She really wanted to wear her hair natural, but because of the mean, racist white people, she “had” to straighten her hair. See, it’s all OUR fault.

  5. They could both stretch a rubber glove over their head and shove a feather duster up their ass and join the circus as a pair of dodo birds and it would be closer to the truth than anything that comes out of either of their mouths

  6. No bitch, we weren’t ready for a black unAmerican *unt in the WH. Then when you earned the name Mooche and Big Foot, it stuck. Don’t have to explain why you wanted to look white with straight hair, why even bring it up years later? You’ve been out of the WH a few years now, and you’re still made fun of – you and Barry. Both of you earned the name Moochers.

  7. Now here’s someone who you know is lying because her big fat mouth is moving.
    She tells these lies and the media never calls her on it.
    I think they’re hoping she’ll run for Pres.
    She may. She’s getting herself in public a lot lately.

  8. Mooch Obama is an insufferable, non-self aware, worthless piece of shit. She has 9 figures in the bank, can literally wear her hair anyway she likes, but still has to blame whitey for her own bullshit neurosis.

  9. Big Mike is naturally a grifting, race baiting, gender bending, harpy.
    Oh, and “she” is a lying narcissist who probably has bald patches and a receding hairline from wearing all those wigs over the years.

  10. Another “squirrel!” tactic to keep Mooch’s Demwit support from caring about all that wealth and favors “her?” and Barry “backdoored” for themselves.

  11. She was the most pampered First Lady of all time, with over 20 aids! Not having the courage to wear her hair the way she would have liked is all her own fault. Don’t blame the American People.

  12. What I wasn’t ready for, was your complete lack of taste, grace, elegance and humility.

    Multimillions of dollars later and still wearing that off putting fragrance of, “Trashy New money.”


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