Mean Tweeter is Back – IOTW Report

Mean Tweeter is Back

25 Comments on Mean Tweeter is Back

  1. I doubt I’ll join twitter either Brad.
    That said, if you have a twitter account, every year on your birthday balloons and confetti are employed when people click on your account.

    And you don’t have to share your birthday with some clown who ate Big Macs every day for fifty years…

  2. I never even considered getting a social media account of any kind,.even for business. I suppose I missed out on some stuff, oh well. A phone call or an email seems fine to me.

  3. I guess I feel confident in my abilities to think for myself, that I don’t need a social media platform to tell me what to think.
    I am also capable of filling my day with my own thoughts and projects.
    I even enjoy listening to nothing, at times. (Remember how quite, life use to be.)

  4. @Brad: Why do they want my phone number in order to tweet? So with Mr. Operation Warp Spe3ed back, it will boost Elon’s membership (maybe). Don’t care whose on Twitter and who isn’t. Except I do enjoy hearing about the likes of Kathy Griffith getting canned. And the Twatter employees getting butt hurt. That makes me happy. Just in time for Thanksgiving!

  5. I’m only on Facebook to keep up with my kids. I told them if they posted one word about my private life I would”beat them like a red-headed stepchild. ” So far so good.

  6. Elon is smart, he’ll only get people employed at Twitter BECAUSE they want to work there and they want to work for Elon. None others need to apply. There’s always someone who will do the job and better. We’re all dispensable.


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