Schiff-Fer-Brains Says Biden Has Accomplished a Lot – IOTW Report

Schiff-Fer-Brains Says Biden Has Accomplished a Lot

17 Comments on Schiff-Fer-Brains Says Biden Has Accomplished a Lot

  1. Yes, Biden has accomplished a lot. In fact, he’s done everything the CCP told him to do. Couple favors for Putin tossed in for good measure. Held in good standing with the drug cartels too. Probably owes that little shit in North Korea a few favors we don’t know about yet. Gawd only knows how much he’s accomplished for Ukraine.

  2. Well. No other President has ever even called one “Lid.” So, the fact that we’ve lost count of Joe’s Lids, is absolutely, incredibly, positively, amazingly incredible!

    And we have yet to account for the ice cream and pudding cups.

  3. Anonymous NOVEMBER 20, 2022 AT 7:01 PM
    Why is it that the absolute worst we have ends up in positions of power? Politics suck.

    One of them thar Greek Phsilogicans said it best if’n I could only remember his name…

    “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”

    Aesop or maybe it was Mr. Peabody on one of his travels in the WABAC Machine, not sure…


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