Italy’s Giorgia Meloni to revoke benefits for Italians who refuse a job – IOTW Report

Italy’s Giorgia Meloni to revoke benefits for Italians who refuse a job


The Italian Prime Minister has announced a major overhaul of Italy’s economy signalling a shift from previous governments on state benefits. Giorgia Meloni‘s plan includes a phase-out by the end of next year of the so-called “citizens’ wage,” the crowning achievement of the 5-Star Movement, which was in power from 2018-2021.

Ms Meloni had vowed to abolish the expanded welfare programme altogether during the campaign, arguing that it encouraged people to stay on welfare when they could work and was abused by fraudsters.

The changes announced on Tuesday would knock eligible workers out of the system after eight months or after they refuse a job offer, and requires recipients to actually live in Italy.

The overall budget modifications show a clear political shift, doing away with a basic income and a decade-old pension reform that Ms Meloni and her right-wing allies have long attacked while coming up with new measures to promote Italy’s perennially low birth rate.

Most of the money was earmarked to maintain campaign promises to offer further help to families and businesses coping with a surge in energy costs, and was on top of more than 60 billion euros already pledged by the previous government of Mario Draghi.


12 Comments on Italy’s Giorgia Meloni to revoke benefits for Italians who refuse a job

  1. Another smart, good looker was Kayleigh McEnany. I loved how she used to toss a turd in the press punchbowl at the end of the briefing and say “have a nice day” as she departed the podium. Sure do miss her.

  2. Italy was a big part of China’s ‘Belt & Road’ policy of expansion. I hope she is taking steps to rein that in. In fact that’s why Italy was so hard-hit by covid in the early months, particularly in regions where China had a lot going.

  3. yeah, be careful what you wish for.

    …in the ’90s, Ohio got this idea that they would require recipients of CASH benefits (didn’t apply to housing, WIC, Medicaid, etc.) to work somewhere at something at least part time to continue to receive them. They also offered to pay the company a stipend for each one they hired. The company was estatic, thinking they’d get them lotsa subsidized labor and quickly signed up for a pack of them.

    So some agency ran a few barely converted, broken down prison busses through various ‘hoods, picking up the unskilled unwilling, and depositing them at the employee enterance more or less on time as agreed.

    Along with their bad attitudes, drug habits, public drunkeness, tendencies towards drug dealing and prostitution, nonexistent work ethic, disrespect of any sort of authority, and no concept of or interest in what it is to actually “do a job”.

    So we had used vials of tar heroin to crunch underfoot in the parking lot, torn panties and used condoms, people fighting verbally and physically like they would in the ‘hood except around industrial machenery, baby mama boyfriend drama as only inner city Black folk can do it, supervisors getting sprayed with Strahman high pressure steam/air sanitation hoses for daring to tell people to, you know, WORK, off the charts theft and car damage, people who didn’t know how to do anything and had no interest in learning, and if you DID by some miracle get some of them to work you’d better be able to finish every batch on time because they HAD to leave the SECOND the bus got there.

    The experiment ended up being a bit short lived, and was of no benefit to the company except maybe as a learning experience whatsoever.

    They replaced them with Central and South Americans, dubiously legal migrants from various African countries, representatives of assorted SE Asian nations, and a smattering of Russians and Lithuanians and whatnot from failed East Bloc states shortly thereafter.

    Other than prayer breaks and Muslim holidays for the Africans and a predilection for Internet porn at Cyrillic Web sites among the Russians, it was a VAST improvement.

    If someone doesn’t want to work, they’re not going to work.

    And all you do by saddling me with them is drive my productivity down while changing THEIR lifestyles not one bit.

    If someone WANTS to work, they can go to any of the half-dozen agencies we use and get snapped up immediately. All they need is the initiative to approach them, and they’ll be in like Flynn. And THOSE folks at least are INTERESTED in learning and growing.

    Keep your slacker bums.

    They’re no damn good to ME.

  4. @SNS^^^: “Along with their bad attitudes, drug habits, public drunkeness, tendencies towards drug dealing and prostitution, nonexistent work ethic, disrespect of any sort of authority, and no concept of or interest in what it is to actually “do a job”.”

    Sounds like the federal workforce, thanks to affirmative action.

  5. SNS,
    That’s funny cuz DC hired a whole bunch of cops under similar circumstances and Verizon hired some 800 “technicians” of similar stripe some years ago. FedGov, IRS, FBI, and Post Office have been doing it for years – somewhere from 50% to 65% are completely worthless pieces of shit.

    Seems like when you scrape the bottom of the barrel you come up with scum.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Despite what Liberals would have you think, most of these people are generational, professional parasites, not some poor, unfortunate, downtrodden, souls just getting their lives turned around and getting ready to go to college!
    Liberal politicians, on the other hand, maintain a handsome revenue by soaking the public for more funding, most of which finds its way into the lobbyists and politicians pocket!! Wanna make some good coin? Just set up a committee to “study” the problem…
    Meanwhile 99% of the bums give the rest of ’em a bad name!


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