Unfunniest Stand-Up Comedian List – IOTW Report

Unfunniest Stand-Up Comedian List

Try and be objective. Take politics out of it. Try also to not react to a dislike for the person’s antics, or if they curse, etc.

For instance, Robin Williams makes me cringe, but I can understand how somebody might not feel that way, and he can make them laugh.

My pick is based purely on material, delivery, overall natural “funniness,” and this guy is one of the absolute worst-

Trevor Noah.

Okay, carry on.

51 Comments on Unfunniest Stand-Up Comedian List

  1. Just about every woman comedian. I accidentally was at a comedy club years ago and she was doing her routine. She ended up picking me out of the crowd to ridicule me because I wasn’t laughing. What a no good POS!

  2. I’ll break it down to male and female.

    Male – I’ll probably get a lot of crap but I never thought Steven Wright was funny at all. Never laughed at one of his jokes.

    Female – Sarah Silverman…cussing/lewd comments do not make up for piss poor material.

  3. CJ, the thing about Steven Wright was his originality.
    That deadpan was unique at the time and I liked his observations.
    Many comedians borrowed from him going forward…

  4. Loco – true, his deadpan delivery is what made him unique but damn his material (in my opinion) was just awful.

    Woody – I thought I was the only one who didn’t get Lewis Black. Another one I can’t stand…lol

  5. I miss all the Borscht Bell greats; like Henny Youngman, Sid Ceasar, Rodney Dangerfield, etc.
    I also miss all the great comediennes, Phyllis Diller, Carol Burnett, Lucielle Ball, etc.

  6. I think there is a difference between comedic actors and stand-ups. Lucille Ball is a great comedic actor. So is Jack Lemmon. But not sure they could be stand-ups. Maybe. Hollywood likes to find stand-ups and make them actors. It doesn’t always work.

  7. I think the political angle dropped right off here, which I would argue is a valid criteria for judging anything. kinda hard to laugh when someone is mocking the center of your being or soul. Robin Williams used to make me laugh, until he went full retard John Stewart and constantly sad mad on everything I value. what’s his name – the 50s greater guy who is nothing but gross crude profanity- he sucks. Oh, and the hideous old red head bat that “beheaded” Trump – not ever funny.

  8. Whatever is on right now is pretty funny
    Fags versus Cocks , or something to that effect
    or is it
    Cucks versus Cavemans

    Whatever the fucks its is , it’s fucking funny

  9. Being smug is comedy death, in my opinion. You have to have a vulnerability. If you think and project that you are smarter than everyone else it’s hard to find the person funny.

    Lewis Black is smugger than smug.
    And, unfortunately, it happened to Carlin late in life. He began to lecture like he was a sage, with no self-deprecation.

    Usually when a comedian goes political that happens. Mort Sahl was never funny.

    And he was smug.

  10. Hey BFH,
    George Carlin has completely 720’d me
    If you have not seen this
    Holy Shit
    There is a Carlin interview with somebody that just blew me away
    It predicted all this shit, almost to a T

    I’m gonna research it for you but may take some Time for the Link

    It may even have been Art Bell

    Can you believe that?

  11. Samantha Bee. How she ever got a TV show is beyond me.

    And Kathy Griffin. I had seen her before she got the episodes on Seinfeld. She wasn’t funny before Seinfeld, she wasn’t funny on Seinfeld, and she wasn’t funny after. Who pays money to see her?

  12. Ditto on Andy Kaufman. His ‘humor’ was to act like an Eastern Bloc immigrant who thought he was a comedian but was entirely unfunny. That was the act! And when people laughed, he would say ‘Why are you laughing at me?’ and act sad. Not funny to me. I liked him in Taxi though.


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