BJ Clinton Has Covid – IOTW Report

BJ Clinton Has Covid

I love how these dopes say the jab made their symptoms less severe.


People had less severe symptoms before the jab was introduced.

So, what was the reason for that?

And people dies before the jab, and died after the jab.

It seems that the jab did nothing at all, except give you something additional to worry about.

ht/ tony r

31 Comments on BJ Clinton Has Covid

  1. now get a stroke and drop dead and take your fugly asshate of a “wife” with you and maybe just maybe you will be remembered for doing one good thing for this world , mainly ridding it of garbage such as yourselves.

  2. Can a walking fibrous clot still get fibrous clots?

    Seriously, no way he got the jabs and booster. Mr. Cocaine Heart would be dead already. And god knows what other Pfizer products are coursing through those brittle arteries.

  3. I have had the vax and 2 boosters. Two week after the second booster I came down with severe covid. I lost 20 pounds and had to go to a hospital in Ireland. After 9 hours there I was released having spent most of the time sitting in the hall way. I was treated with 250 ml intravenous saline and 1 gram of intravenous Tylenol. I felt no better afterwards and remained bed ridden for 3 more days. I can’t wait until the democrats give us free government health care.

  4. FWIW, I don’t believe this oversexed reprobate even HAS Coof. It’s likely just another lie to get his filthy name out there, pimp the vaxx, and keep the fear porn going.

    Nothing else this overripe rapist ever said was true, why would he start now.

    He’s like his father in that.

    “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
    John 8:44

  5. I agree that no politician got the real jab. This is a pathetic attempt to keep the big Pharma train rolling along.

    and for every idiot who does get covid and still thinks the vaccine was a good idea – ‘It would have been so much worse if I hadn’t allowed them to inject me with the vaccine plus 3 boosters” – what is that based on?????

    Where are all the unvaxxed people aka pure bloods who are getting covid worse than you?


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