Rare Judy Garland Clip Singing in Blackface – IOTW Report

Rare Judy Garland Clip Singing in Blackface

I didn’t live then, I don’t know what the feelings and motivations were when this happened.

But, if you’re going to dig her out of the ground and cancel her, maybe go after the living-

Negreanu is a self-identified lefty, vegan poker player

It seems the internet has scrubbed Christopher Guest and Billy Crystal in blackface playing the parts of two old negro league baseball players-

ht/ fdr in hell

13 Comments on Rare Judy Garland Clip Singing in Blackface

  1. Dorothy Gale in blackface, huh. Well now, that’s different and not something that I was expecting. Don’t know why people get their knickers in a bunch, isn’t imitation the sincerest form of flattery?

  2. The internet needs to scrub harder.

    1) Go to archiveDOTorg .
    2) In the search bar put “Saturday Night Live S10E02” .
    3) Skip the first thirty-one minutes and six seconds.
    4) Do NOT allow posting of links. SCARY!
    5) Do NOT create a list of trusted commenters.

  3. Every little town around here up into the 50’s put on “Minstrel Shows” and also “Womenless Weddings” local history museums and libraries have the group photos to prove it in the north. It wasn’t meant to be mean necessarily, it was just accepted as entertainment–however it was in poor taste from the black person’s point of view and ending of it was inevitable. I don’t blame Judy! The Womanless weddings were put on by local businessmen dressed in drag and were considered hilarious.

  4. John Wayne played Genghis Khan.
    Chuck Connors played Geronimo.
    Eli Wallach played messicans (rather well).
    Sam Wanamaker played Italians.
    Ross Martin and Joey Bishop played Indians.
    Pierre Trudeau, Ralph Northam, Al Jolson, and Larry Parks all performed in Blackface.
    Oh, yeah, Sean Connery played a cowboy.

    Any maggot who worries about shit like this needs to get a life.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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