Trans-identified biological male charged with attacking female students in school bathroom – IOTW Report

Trans-identified biological male charged with attacking female students in school bathroom

PM: One female student attempted to intervene, but was punched in the side of her head twice by A. This student received injuries to her “eye, face, and head with a possible concussion.”

A transgender student in Edmond, Oklahoma has been charged with assault after allegedly attacking two female students inside of a high school women’s restroom.

According to Reduxx, the biological male student, identified as “A” in the police report, was charged with Assault and Battery and Disorderly Conduct, and was handed a summons for the two charges stemming from the incident inside of a women’s restroom at Edmond Memorial High School in October. 

At around 8 am on October 26, police were called to the school on reports of a fight that had broken out. Upon arriving, the officer found one female student that had received injuries to her head and face at the nurse’s station. MORE

13 Comments on Trans-identified biological male charged with attacking female students in school bathroom

  1. The people that allowed this mentally ill male into the the girls bathroom should be held accountable. There are no trans anything only mentally ill. Just because someone claims something doesn’t make it true.

  2. Oklahoma, so the tranny gets charged, as he should. Had this occurred in more “progressive” parts of the country, the perp would be free, and the female victim would have been charged with a hate crime because if this: “ She said that A tried to talk to her, and when she ignored A, the student began to get angry…”. See, it’s the victims fault!

    We need to bring back bullying.

  3. The perp’s parental unit claims the victim made fun of the perp. Apparently, in the view of the parental unit, the victims are to blame for running into the fruit of their loin’s fists.

  4. Where were the victims families? No brothers? Where’s dad? I’m starting to feel like a dinosaur. Our dad taught us no one screws wit the family. There will be a price to pay. I think most families were like that. I raised my kids the same way. What happened?


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