The Deep Thoughts of Kamala Harris Stun Audience into Silence During U.S-Africa Summit – IOTW Report

The Deep Thoughts of Kamala Harris Stun Audience into Silence During U.S-Africa Summit

CTH– The profound thoughts of great consequence can only flow from the consequential minds of the most profound.

Once again Kamala Harris delivers an oration that leaves the audience speechless in conclusion. “The ability To See What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been” 40 seconds, WATCH:

15 Comments on The Deep Thoughts of Kamala Harris Stun Audience into Silence During U.S-Africa Summit

  1. The ONLY thing about Kamala Harris that stuns me is how someone that is sooooo inept has been placed in a position of power.

    Except for Biden. And….all the other dumb-fucks that are in charge of this country.

  2. This can be a very politically dangerous mouthpiece of Obama and his stooge, Biden, who is the lifelong Democrat yes-man and criminal thief of nations and Our tax money, via “Divide and Conquer” schemes.

    Stay frosty!..and seek friendship with post-Soviet Union Russians (they were once like us).

  3. My sister once said (while trying to defend the historically ignorant Biden) that Kamala was a “brilliant” woman. I wonder how that vomit tastes coming up now……Who am I kidding, she doesn’t pay attention as long as it ain’t Trump….

  4. The good news is that she will not get the nomination, Newsom will. The bad news is that once he is president he will nominate her for a SCOTUS position and she will get it. Don’t laugh.

  5. …George Santayana once said “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”.

    He should have gone on to say, “and those of us who DO remember the past are too few in number and too powerless to stop the drooling idiots who believe the same old Communist lies from driving us off the same cliff more times than Wile E. Coyote fell off of it”.

    Remembering the past only means you get to see the wall you’re about to hit from the backseat while your Democrat driver oblivously talks into his cell phone in the front as he speeds you both into it.

    Ignorance would almost be better.

  6. “Your ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been.”

    After that, I’m surprised she didn’t bust out singing: “Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow, you’re always a day away”.

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