While the FBI Searches For White Supremacists, People are Getting Shot Over KFC Corn – IOTW Report

While the FBI Searches For White Supremacists, People are Getting Shot Over KFC Corn

We’re told the big danger in this country are white supremacists. They are out of control, I tell ya. There are shootings every day. I don’t read about them, but I assume it is rampant, the Not-Political-At-All FBI told me so.

I am beginning to understand how the FBI thinks. People who band together under a common cause, like white supremacists, are much more threatening, even when they do nothing, than, say, people who would just willy-nilly shoot someone because there is no corn at the Drive-Thru.

I respectfully disagree with the FBI.


For most people, finding out that a KFC outlet had run out of corn would be a minor disappointment at most. For a customer in St. Louis, it was reason enough to shoot somebody, police say. According to a police incident report, a 25-year-old male employee was shot in the abdomen around 6pm Monday at a KFC in the city’s Central West End, USA Today reports. Police say the man threatened workers when he tried to place a drive-thru order and was told he couldn’t get corn.

The man had a handgun when he pulled up to the drive-thru window and he shot a worker who had gone outside to talk to him, police say. The employee was hospitalized in critical condition. Police are searching for a suspect they describe as a Black man, 40 to 50 years old, with a thin build and a scruffy beard…


…with corn in it.

12 Comments on While the FBI Searches For White Supremacists, People are Getting Shot Over KFC Corn

  1. I don’t eat KFC. Fuck the “New” Colonel!

    It NOSE DIVED a long time ago.

    We have a co. called Mary Brown’s up here. Very Good!

    A Chick Fillet just opened in a Plaza I service next to the Bass Pro.
    Sorry Folks, It’s Okay.
    Just not worth the line ups. $15 for a meal.

    Frankly, for 3 bucks more I can get Authentic Vietnamese Meal. Grilled Pork, Spring Roll, Noodles & Shredded Lettuce and the Tea is Free. I look after the HVAC and the Joint is SPOTLESS esp the kitchen & on the roof.


  2. I could understand porn, but corn??
    All I can picture is those damn ears of corn rotating in “butter” all day long! Gross!!
    I haven’t been in a KFC for about 25 years, so maybe they quit doing that, but thats what I think of!

  3. The last time I was at a KFC drive thru my order was fucked up. So, I drove back around to complain and the woman yells at me “I’m the only one here to do all the work”. I could see two other people in the food prep/work area behind her.

    I replied, “I’m the only customer here, I was the only customer here 5 minutes ago as well, WTF is your problem”?

    She then chucked a wad of napkins and sporks at me.
    Fuck the Colonel.

  4. Every time I go to KFC, they are out of chicken.


    …but somehow, White Supremacist though I be, I managed to never shoot anyone over it.

    And also, Drive-Thru worker dude, never leave your station to confront a customer, and never confront a customer at ALL if that’s not your job.

    Now you know WHY.

    Your job is not worth your life.

  5. To SNS, yes they are out of chicken because they want to sell you the dark meat that’s been sitting under the heat lamp for 2 hours. I said “no” and had to wait an hour and fifteen minutes for my order. And it was dinner hour, they weren’t expecting Mom’s to stop by after work for supper?? Haven’t been back.

  6. The Democrat Party, Joe Biden/admin, RINOs, Biden’s federal agencies, elitists, global fiends all are white privilege white garbage shantytown lowlifes dressed up in pricey suits and heels to cover up their unflattering vulgar selves.

  7. Most of the KFCs around here are shitholes. The worst one used to be in the ‘hood. After dark they lowered a 3 inch thick plexiglass shield in front of the counter. You ordered through a little metal grill, slipped your money under a slot and picked up your order in a small turnstile in the wall. The Health Dept would shut them down once a year or so until they finally shut them down for good. It was nasty.

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