Citing Firsthand Source, Tucker Reports ‘CIA Was Involved In The Kennedy Assassination’ – IOTW Report

Citing Firsthand Source, Tucker Reports ‘CIA Was Involved In The Kennedy Assassination’

Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson reported Thursday that the CIA was involved in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy, citing a first hand source.

President Joe Biden issued an executive order to authorize the full release of the documents related to the assassination that have been hidden for decades. The National Archives and Records Administration released thousands of documents Thursday.

Carlson noted the 1992 John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act that mandated all documents related to Kennedy’s murder be disclosed by 2017. Both former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, however, have not fully complied. MORE

17 Comments on Citing Firsthand Source, Tucker Reports ‘CIA Was Involved In The Kennedy Assassination’

  1. In 60 years Tucker Carlson son Grandson will reveal that Barack Obama’s Daddy wasn’t born in Africa or related to him because the CIA was involved and Frank Marshall Davis din’t fire that shot on the grassy knoll, he did it in his living room…..In 180 years Tucker Carlson’s great great grand son will reveal that the CIA helped Joe Biden get 81 million votes despite that he could barely speak when his drool cup wasn’t dripping into his pants…..The Kennedy shit should be over….CIA, Mafia and the Cubans…

  2. @Vladjr….who stole the eaction in 2017 with the Russian’s help?…..No election in 2017 glorious comrade…..I got my Ushanka on glorious comrade….

    Yeah, I know that it’s like boxing with candles…..I just like typing glorious comrade with my ushanks on….

  3. Willys, there is no greater travesty & miscarriage of justice than in that stolen election of 2017, when Jenny Mctavish beat Jill Hermecular for Homecoming Queen at Chastity High in Crescent City, Louisiana…

    Still SMDH!

  4. Remember Oswald’s words as he was being led somewhere in front of the press. He said “I am just a patsy.”

    I never did hear a good explanation of why Jack Ruby took it upon himself to kill Oswald, or how he gained access to the police garage or how he knew that Oswald would be there, held between two deputies like a lamb for slaughter.

    Oh, then there was the untimely death of Ruby himself. Hmmmmm….

    Speculation was that Castro orchestrated the hit as payback for the Bay of Pigs invasion. But perhaps the CIA did it as payback for Kennedy hanging the CIA out to dry after the BoP flop?

  5. You Americans are so so funny comrades. 2017 maybe you forget who came into office after yes yes the stolen election. You talk about fake stolen elections like they happen everyday. But it really only happens when Sr. parks his jamming ship off the American coast. До свидания

  6. I was 10 in 1963 when JFK was assassinated in Nov. 1963 and supposedly the official records were sealed for 75 years till 2038 when I’ll be 85 and hardly anyone who was alive back then will still be around to even care or know about JFK’s death.

  7. everyone and their brother knows where they were when JFK was killed … except one … GHW-Bush
    it’s rumored that someone recognized GHWB leaving the book depository building on that fateful day


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