The Censorship Disclosed in the Twitter Files Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg – IOTW Report

The Censorship Disclosed in the Twitter Files Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

GP: With the recent release of “Twitter Files 6,” avid Gateway Pundit readers and listeners of my podcast know that we have been discussing these very “portals” of government and non-profit censorship that have existed within Twitter and other social media platforms for non-profits like the EIP/CIS/EI-ISAC and government agencies to use for months in order to censor American citizens.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai has been talking about the EI-ISAC and CIS since early 2021 when he discovered these connections during his lawsuit against Massachusetts over his election “loss”. ToreSays has also been talking about the DHS contracts with the EI-ISAC/CIS for perhaps even longer.

Prior to Elon Musk spending billions to buy Twitter and passing this intel off to “blue checkmarks” to disseminate “credibly,” you may have looked at the above reporting as “conspiracy theory” or “fake news”. It’s not your fault. Many have been “programmed” to think that way: if it’s not on CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, or any of the other Mockingbird Media outlets, it can’t possibly be real. Plus, those very same outlets were telling you that it was “disinformation.”

Well, it wasn’t.

Elon Musk has alluded that these “portals” are still open today, allowing the DHS and other federal agencies to dispel what they consider “mis- or disinformation” regarding COVID, elections, schools, etc simply by submitting a “ticket” through a contracted non-profit that we are paying with taxpayer funds to take away our First Amendment rights. MORE

5 Comments on The Censorship Disclosed in the Twitter Files Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

  1. “Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: The CIA’s Murder of My Uncle Was a Coup d-Etat From Which Democracy Has Never Recovered”

    Tucker Carlson says the same. Tulsi Gabbard agrees.

    Who was in charge of the CIA when all this went down?

    The same people that control DeSantes.

    Best topic tonight and it starts off with two trolls. I feel for you Furry One. This can’t be fun.


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