Central Park Attacker Hits Jewish Man, Yells ‘Kanye 2024’ – IOTW Report

Central Park Attacker Hits Jewish Man, Yells ‘Kanye 2024’


Critics are blaming Kanye West’s recent string of antisemitic remarks for an attack in New York’s Central Park. The NYPD says an assailant attacked a 63-year-old Jewish man in the park while yelling “Kanye 2024” and Jewish slurs, reports CNN. The suspect is at large, and the victim suffered a broken hand and chipped tooth after being knocked to the ground from behind, per the Daily News. The “2024” remark is an apparent reference to the presidential campaign of West, now known as Ye.

“This attack was particularly awful,” said New York City Council member Gale A. Brewer, per the Washington Post. “It was horrible on all levels.” Police released images of the suspect, who fled on a bicycle with a trailer and a sign reading, “Hungry Disabled.” The assault happened in the park about 7:30pm Wednesday. It comes with antisemitic attacks in general at an all-time high in the US—the Anti-Defamation League has logged 2,717 incidents since 2021, up more than 30% from the previous year.


Yes, because before Kanye West, black people simply loved the Jews.

8 Comments on Central Park Attacker Hits Jewish Man, Yells ‘Kanye 2024’

  1. We-uns sho do be impressionable! Ye says ‘hate Joos’ and we-uns go hate JOOS, no questiums axed!

    Tells us-uns who to hate nex’ Massa! We be THAT eager to Step and Fetch!

  2. To: All Media
    Re: The Central Park Jew Attack

    We “suggest” you include this “quote” from the attacker.


    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

  3. A hungry, disabled guy on a bicycle with a trailer. I wonder what his disability is. He seems to get around pretty well. My guess is that nobody can recall seeing that guy around the area ever before, and nobody will see him again.

    And FWIW, the ADL is now a thoroughly corrupted leftist operation on par with the SPLC. I wouldn’t be surprised if this “attack” was a joint FBI/ADL operation.

  4. No Jews persecuted here, they go after the Chinese instead. Can’t tell whose a Jew, but you sure can tell whose Chinese. Just got off a cruise ship loaded with Chinese people who act like they never had a decent meal in their life. I had to laugh when one of them complained about their gout. They pigged out on shrimp, and red meat. Serves them right. 🙂


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