Who Do You Trust More? – IOTW Report

Who Do You Trust More?

21 Comments on Who Do You Trust More?

  1. “The healthier people get the less children they have”

    WUT? I would call that very questionable data. That’s what the left does. Pulls some factoid out of their ass and tries to build their entire argument around it.

  2. Think about the ramifications of a declining World Population.

    A small microcosm would be looking at Detroit and what happened when its population declined rapidly and never really recovered.
    1,850,000 people to 633,000 people.

    I’ll go with Musk PLUS he hates Pedo’s.

  3. The Earth thought it had too many dinosaurs quite a few times. Then it flicked them off like a dried booger on Joe Biden’s upper lip area. Except maybe the birds……It will do the same to us humans….

  4. I pray every day that Gates and the other world depopulation folks get their wish, and millions and millions of us get harpazoed outta here! God gave them over to their reprobate minds and maybe soon he’ll give them the deepest desires of their black hearts. They want the planet to themselves? “OK”, says God, “You got it. But don’t forget; I’ll be back.”

  5. I trust neither of these clowns and could care less what either say or think. Like the uniparty – false choice and at the end of the day both have the exact same positions as the WEF and every other globalist Cabot operating.


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