What Our Old Boss is Up To – IOTW Report

What Our Old Boss is Up To

Doc sent a link to The People’s Cube. Every time I go I marvel at how clever their writers are, particularly Oleg.

They were the Babylon Bee before the Babylon Bee.

For instance, look at these one-liner headlines:

NYT: Roe vs Wade to be renamed the “Don’t Say Fetus” law

Democrats insist on carrying unwanted presidency to term

PSA: Due to high gas prices police departments will now be responding and making arrests via Zoom.

Elon Musk went to bed thinking he owns Twitter. Then the mail-in ballots arrived at 2am…

Disney to buy Epstein Island for new theme park

“I am not suicidal,” says COVID-19 after being contracted by Hillary Clinton

Fact checkers give Pinocchio’s speech four Bidens

Study: Most people have had sex more violent than January 6th

New remake of the 1950’s horror movie Them to be titled Them/They

I did not cherry pick these. These were on the landing page, pretty much in order.


6 Comments on What Our Old Boss is Up To

  1. It’s so sad that Died Suddenly is not parody.

    And check this out. I clicked on a link that had all the footnoted running totals and it is now passed 1100. It was only in the 800s when we circled the Moon and that was just a couple of weeks ago.

    And this happened:
    I loaded the page and started scrolling down. There are more than 2000 lines in the text and it bogs down the scroll. You may see similar results on your various devices. The buffer holding the navigation commands gets flooded and you are stuck watching and waiting for the buffer to clear. That happened and after awhile the scrolling stopped and it was on this entry and be forewarned x is 6 in this case:

    Case #6xx: Trisha Paddock (46) Location: Los Angles Charity Challenge Half Marathon Jog in California. Veteran Runner and Fitness Life.

    Also this one was way back in January:
    22/01/2021 – Hank Aaron 2 weeks after filming a Safe Vaccine Advertisment Campaign,

  2. “True satire has it’s roots in truth”. Can’t remember who said that originally. I’m thinking it was Rush. The “Cube” is such a good site. I have it bookmarked @ the top of my screen, always good for a laugh. Brilliant writers.

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