36 Year-Old Marathon Runner Dies Rapidly From the Flu – IOTW Report

36 Year-Old Marathon Runner Dies Rapidly From the Flu


A young Boston, Massachusetts, woman has died of the flu despite having no underlying health conditions, it what doctors called a ‘one-in-a-million’ case.

Price Merepol McMahon, 36, of Wellesley, Massachusetts, just outside of Boston, died last Tuesday from the flu. Only two days earlier she felt fine – before her condition rapidly deteriorated Monday.

The flu is most dangerous to young children and elderly people, with those in-between being relatively safe if they do not suffer any underlying health conditions. 

Ms McMahon was in good shape and lived a very active life. Her family told the Globe that she played tennis, skied and even completed the New York City Marathon.

On Monday, the 19th of December, she began to feel ill in the evening. Her condition quickly spiraled, and she died Tuesday afternoon.

‘The doctor’s words, I’ll always remember this, this is a one-in-a-million case of influenza,’ Mr Meropol said.


24 Comments on 36 Year-Old Marathon Runner Dies Rapidly From the Flu

  1. Yet Mr FastTrack who wouldn’t walk up the White House stairs is still kicking. Life is not fair!
    Yep everyone who dies it’s from the jab,= silly-willy. Vax 100% safe & effective & supported by & gets all the shots, Donald J Trump.

  2. If she was from Wellesly, she was probably a left winger.
    The families have to start speaking up about whether these people had the shots or not.
    Despite feelings of guilt for pushing them.

  3. Have a friend known around the world as “The Rat Lady.” She was 59 and died from complications of the flu in 2018. Her family were her rats.

    How many lives does influenza take every year?

    They estimated that, during this period, seasonal influenza caused between 294,000 and 518,000 deaths each year globally.Oct 20, 2022

    1/2 million people in some cases die each year from the flu. People of all ages die. At least some of us were warned that this would happen — more so with those who got the jab.

  4. I would say it’s a high probability she got the death jab as over 95% of Massachusetts is jabbed at least once, 81% fully jabbed, 43% fully boosted.
    I did find one person on FB who claimed to be a relative of hers who said she was in shock that she took her health seriously, ate a healthy diet, daily exercise, always took her flu shot. She didn’t mention covid shot, but a young person who takes the flu shot every year I’m sure took the death jab.

  5. “This Flu season has been uncharacteristically brutal in the US. Experts warn two years of Covid related mask orders and social distancing weakened the immune systems of many and made the population more susceptible to these viruses.”

    Did you read that right? We were forced by the PTB wherever we went we had to be masked up and 8 feet apart. They knew this would weaken the immune system thus killing more people. Read between the lines people. Learn to say no – FO!

  6. Don’t forget the flu was practically eliminated during the covid scam when they needed more numbers of dead.
    How many people with the flu in the hospitals were put on ventilators only to die 2 weeks later from the forced covid protocol. We will never know.
    But hey, they made a ton of money and apparently they are good with that.

  7. GoldenFoxx, I’ve known so many people who died from the jab, even in the beginning, but we were just supposed to believe it was a coincidence that they took the jab and within 2 weeks were dead, some within 24 hours. Most of them were older people.
    Now all of these people 50 and under are dying in their sleep or with heart attacks or strokes. Until it got cold they were also dying of covid complications, now it’s switching to they died of the flu.
    It seems their new plan is to have your flu and covid mrna shot all in one. To get those who always get flu shots, but wouldn’t get their covid shot I assume.

    As for immune system, I never wore their mask or kept their 6 foot distance nor did I follow their arrows. I spent all that time when so many were hiding in their houses with their masks, shields, gloves and cans of lysol purposely going to where there were like minded people and lots of them.

    I’m honestly surprised my sister is still alive, she was one of those who hid and had everything delivered and wouldn’t even go into her yard without a mask, shield and gloves. She also got the shot as soon as she could. She is sick all the time though and her asthma that had been in control for 25+ years is no longer in control.

  8. The flu never went away at anytime during the pandemic. It was just not being reported properly, they thought it was Covid-19. One can get any combination of different viruses at the same time. Covid-19 + the cold virus + the flu virus + pneumonia + rsv virus + bacteria infections the list can go on & on.
    So what exactly killed you. Oh thats right the jab, that would be a wrong answer. Back to the flu. it Never was “almost” eliminated! There is no CURE for the Flu or the common cold. Only vaccines for the prior years strain. There is an average yearly total for the flu, look it up, the flu never disappeared. But yearly death totals do go up & down & there is an average yearly death total.

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