Fisherman Clings to Buoy For 2 Days – IOTW Report

Fisherman Clings to Buoy For 2 Days


In some ways, Christmas Day was really terrible for Brazilian fisherman David Soares. Then again, he lived to tell the tale and apparently gained a new appreciation for life. Per the BBC, Soares, 43, set off alone on Sunday from Atafona beach, about 200 miles north of Rio de Janeiro. The seas were rough, and at some point he fell from his boat and was unable to get back aboard due to the strong current and winds. “For me, the first 10 minutes were the most difficult because I wanted to get to the boat at all costs. But [it was] really an enormous weight of water, I couldn’t swim against it,” he told G1 Globo. As exhaustion crept in, Soares decided to remove his pants and shirt and “let the waters take me to use less strength.”

The stricken fisherman drifted and swam about four hours before he spied a signal buoy off the coast near the Port of Acu, per People. He climbed on and there he waited … for two days. Luckily, his family missed him and reached out to the fishing community and the navy. “Many times I thought I was going to die of cold until help arrived,” Soares later said, per G1 Globo.


May the :clinging to buoy for 2 days” jokes commence.

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