Report: Government Responsible for 86% of New Jobs In Canada Since Pandemic Began – IOTW Report

Report: Government Responsible for 86% of New Jobs In Canada Since Pandemic Began

Despite the fact that the public sector represents just 21.8 percent of Canada’s economy, the vast majority of job creation since 2020 has been by the Trudeau-led government.

National File: According to a research bulletin published by the Vancouver-based Fraser Institute in August, the overwhelming majority of new jobs in Canada’s economy since the start of the COVID pandemic were created by the government.

“We find that the government sector accounts for a large majority, 86.7 percent, of all net new jobs created since the start of the pandemic,” the Fraser Research Institute said. “Meanwhile, there has been almost no net job creation in the private sector (including self-employment).”

“This despite the fact that the government sector represents just 21.8 percent of jobs in the economy,” the economic study said.

The study alluded to reports by the media and politicians which boasted about Canada’s “historically low” unemployment rate, and the authors even cited a tweet by Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, in their references.

The study, however, “reveals a more complicated picture,” the authors said.

“Once we adjust for population growth over this period, [which is] 2.7 percent for individuals over the age of 15], Canada’s private sector job performance is even less impressive,” the authors stated. “The share of adults above the age of 15 employed in the private sector has fallen from 49.3 to 48.2 percent during this time.” more

2 Comments on Report: Government Responsible for 86% of New Jobs In Canada Since Pandemic Began

  1. As I have understood for years, the Term Government Jobs traditionally never accounted for Teachers who are not directly hired by the government but school boards for example. There are also other careers that do not get counted.

    And what about the Media that Turd Boy literally gave $650 Million Tax dollars to NOT COUNTING the STATE BROADCASTER. CBC

    The REAL NUMBER is roughly 35% when all is factored in apparently.

    One of my HVAC Buddies lost 3 employees this year to Government Dog Fuck Jobs.

    This Place is FUCKED!


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