Happy 2023! – IOTW Report

Happy 2023!

Images from:

1) evil bunny (Daffy Willow) in the tub.
2) Hambone – Enjoying the backyard bounty at Hambone’s Restaurant.
3) Tim-FJB (Frog) Tiny Frog on Sill Cock.
4) NAAC (Kilo and Logan) Kilo and Logan suspect that Mom is going on a trip. They’re ‘peacefully protesting’.
5) MMinAR (Crockett) Gone years ago – miss him every day.
6 & 7) Truckbuddy (Hunting dog I saved) Heard this dog in the woods behind my house, she was running around all day back there howling. Found her finally, she was injured. Gave her food and water, and she slept while we waited for Animal Control, they took her to a no kill shelter and she was adopted. Very nice dog, just didn’t have room for her. They’re kept in pens and don’t know how to act in a house. I’ve done this with a few now, and a bald eagle.
8) SNS (Birds) Coping with the cold.
9) Mrs. SNS (Cardinal)

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:



  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • 1-8, Tracking the Wild Critters – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON. – Tracks in the snow, sand, dirt, whatever…
  • 1-15, You Better Watch Out – Critters stalking the elusive red dot, each other, or hiding behind things ready to attack you, your shoe or simply a feather. I’m sure you have some of THOSE critters!
  • 1-22, Protectors – Critters who protect people, buddies, sheep, etc.

Thank you, contributors!

18 Comments on Happy 2023!

  1. Hambone – Never sure if I should feed these or not. They wreck the wife’s garden and poop in the yard when they aren’t eating all the bird food or blocking my car, but they are nice to look at.

    …and maybe, under emergency circumstances, they could be dinner self-delivery, some preparation required…

  2. MMinAR – Crockett was a beautiful pup, and looks like a sweetie. I miss quite a few too, but I’m always grateful God let me have a little time with them at all, and I’m sure you were blessed by yours.

  3. As for my birdiez, these two pictures (and more, worse ones) were taken through a window on a -8 degree day at the start of the National Christmas Snow. The disconsolate fellow on the bird feeder is finding the ports are froze, that’s why I scattered seed for them under it, I can’t imagine how unpleasant pecking ice with a froze beak is, but a critter has to eat to stay warm.

    The cardinal was standing sentinel over his brood below, I assume he was Dad since there were several female AND male cardinals at the same time in the feed pile below. I always thought male cardinals were more territorial than that. This guy I kept trying to capture and I got pictures of window screen, blurry blobs, him just leaving, nothing that was any good. Wife took her phone out, went to the same window, and immediately got this perfectly composed full-on and level shot at a distance of 50 odd feet like he was posed and she was standing right next to him.

    We all have different talents. Photography seems to be more hers than mine…

  4. Happy New Year, everyone!
    I love Claudia’s roundup of animals.
    I used to say “I like animals better than humans”.
    Now that a goodly share of humans are acting more like beasts, I will now have to be more specific, and refer to the species I enjoy.
    I hope you all find a little happy, in each day in 2023.

  5. Happy New Year 🎉 fellow iotwer’s 🎈
    Here’s hoping the Lord shows us mercy and gives us some reprieve from the Communists in DC 🤪

    Thanks Claudia for all the critter pics every Sunday, look forward to all the new ones for 2023 😺

  6. The best part of Sunday as always.

    @SNS, Our Willow ain’t right in the head. She loves water and would paddle around it if I let her. Her cat buddy Autumn does paddle around in the tub when she gets the chance. Funny thing both showed up as strays in rain storms.


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