The incredible weirdness of the Ray Epps saga – IOTW Report

The incredible weirdness of the Ray Epps saga

American Thinker| By Andrea Widburg

Ray Epps is a name that keeps cropping up in connection with January 6. There are myriad videos of him urging people to go into the Capitol. Now, it turns out that, on January 6, 2021, he sent a text to a family member boasting, “I also orchestrated it [the entry into the Capitol].” By rights, according to the standards the Democrats have set since January 6, Epps ought to be sitting in a D.C. jail without bail or a trial date like the rest of the January 6 defendants. Except that he isn’t. What gives?

I won’t rehash the whole narrative of Ray Epp’s presence in Washington, D.C., on January 5 and 6, 2021. The Revolver did a good job of that, along with videos showing not just Epps in action but also showing carefully disguised people (unlike all the naïve Trump supporters on the scene) systematically and deliberately removing all fencing and signage that would have warned ordinary citizens that they were on land that carried heavy trespassing penalties.

The videos of Ray Epps, a tall, gray-haired man urging people to the Capitol, that are posted at The Revolver will suffice to show that Epp’s behavior was open and perfectly met the Democrats’ own description of what constitutes an “insurrection.” (I’m not agreeing with their definition, I’m just saying that Epps meets it.)

What’s truly bizarre is affirmative disinterest that the Democrats and the FBI (but I repeat myself) are showing in Epps. And by “affirmative,” I meant that, despite the FBI having him on its radar, it erased him entirely from consideration, while the January 6 Committee called him a good guy. From the Revolver: Read more

8 Comments on The incredible weirdness of the Ray Epps saga

  1. Which oversight committee is going to take up the crimes the D’s committed on January 6th? Will they do this before or after they try to remove Garland from the DoJ and Wray from the FBI?

    American patriots were murdered and not one person has been held to account and prosecuted.

    Ray Epps is a traitor and a coward. I hope he is always remembered as such.

  2. I want to see testimony from the FBI field agent who was told to remove Ray Epps from the most wanted list. Who gave him the order? Then work your way up the chain.


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