EU Cental Bank Chief Tells Serfs They Have to Freeze Wages To “Build Back Better” – IOTW Report

EU Cental Bank Chief Tells Serfs They Have to Freeze Wages To “Build Back Better”

CTH: The ideology of these elitist minded control officers is really remarkable.  The president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, has given several statements to media saying policy measures must be put into place in order to stop wage growth from fueling inflation.

Think about this in the most practical of terms.  Western politicians have created massive inflation through their collective ‘Build Back Better’ energy policy.  The central banks have raised interest rates, an effort to shrink the economy by lowering energy demand, to offset the skyrocketing costs of the energy problem the politicians created. The Hubris.

7 Comments on EU Cental Bank Chief Tells Serfs They Have to Freeze Wages To “Build Back Better”

  1. I keep telling people it isn’t Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy Joe Biden and Jay Inslee etc you should be directing your anger toward, it’s the malicious, maladjusted, malcontents who live on the same block as you who support the shit.

  2. Inflation is gov’t policy.
    Wage growth is a CONSEQUENCE not a CAUSE.

    “… Lagarde will receive an annual salary of $467,940 AFTER (emphasis added) taxes and an annual allowance of $83,760 for living expenses.”

    But she’s gonna freeze “wages” for the proles?
    Fucking hypocrite.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Wreck the world economy then they come to rescue us by a digital controlled fake money that they can shut off if you say or do something wrong in their eyes. At the same time kill a whole lot of people off.
    That my friends has been the plan for a long time.

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