Brought to You by Pfizer – IOTW Report

Brought to You by Pfizer

13 Comments on Brought to You by Pfizer

  1. Whoa, grouchy is back. Hey buddy. What’s the first thought on your mind when you wake up? I stretch and thank the Lord I don’t have a mystery chemical running around the veins causing unknown havoc on my body, right after I curse him for giving me a raging hard on that prevents another hour of rest and then thank him for my lovely pureblood wife. Cheers buddy, enjoy 2023, hope you make it to 2024.

  2. Every one is slamming Pfizer.
    They’re just trying to improve our lives.
    And if they happen to pocket a few billion dollars along the way that’s just Capitalism.
    And if thousands of people die and millions have their lives shortened that’s just collateral damage.

  3. Dr. Mengele Fauci
    JANUARY 3, 2023 AT 3:49 AM
    “Every one is slamming Pfizer.”


    Don’t forget that Astro Zenica and Fauci’s own Moderna are ALSO assisting with these political mass murders.

  4. Grouchy,
    So killing millions of innocents is OK as long as a few guys get erections?
    Some kind of moral equivalency?

    Yeah, and Mussolini made the trains run on time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. RadioMattM January 2, 2023 at 11:40 pm

    Make people want to question every drug that is prescribed for them.

    I question what the practicing witch doctor wants me to ingest into my body. He never asked me if I got the jab, do I want the jab, nadda nothing. He knows better.

  6. give them hell Grouch, the youngsters memory will hopefully be gone before they get to the fathers little helper stage. none of those hot heads could possibly be on blood pressure meds.
    forgot to fill in the name field.


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