Canada orders Dr. Jordan Peterson to undergo “social-media communications retraining” – IOTW Report

Canada orders Dr. Jordan Peterson to undergo “social-media communications retraining”

Reclaim the Net: Author and clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson has revealed that the College of Psychologists of Ontario, a regulatory body that licenses practicing clinical psychologists, has demanded that he undergo “social media communications retraining” or face an in-person tribunal and suspension of his license.

Peterson claimed that the regulatory body issued this demand because he retweeted Conservative Party of Canada leader Pierre Poilievre, criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his political allies, criticized climate change models, objected to “surgery on gender dysphoric minors,” and warned Canadians it was “wrong for social service workers and police to threaten to apprehend the children of the Trucker Convoy protestors.” more

22 Comments on Canada orders Dr. Jordan Peterson to undergo “social-media communications retraining”

  1. This is terrible. Here is tyranny beyond anything I thought Canada was capable of doing to a citizen.

    While the tyranny is in place in Canada, I will no longer visit there, which I was planning to do in 2023.

  2. His bank account and investments are next..Trudeau knows that he can push further just as his father Castro understood. Until Local protestors exceed 450,000 and or a regional armed rebellion needs to be quelled, no line has been crossed. The BLM movement was an American test to discover that the Trump White House could be surrounded and fire bombed without consequences..

  3. The really, really great thing about this is that they are trying to do it to someone well-known and who absolutely will not bend. Couldn’t think of a better way for the world to take notice.

  4. He’s been called in for a check-up from the neck up. Don’t accept any beverages from them.

    The conclusion is foregone. He will be deemed beyond redemption and delicenced, fined and ordered not to present his credentials as being a psychologist for any purpose with or without compensation.

    He will be placed on probation and monitored for 5 years. Any instances of antisocial behavior or complaints of harm by others due to his writing or speech past or present will result in criminal prosecution, and possible imprisonment

    Just a guess.

    Get a good lawyer, Dr Petersen, and go on the attack

  5. Perhaps this will give Peterson (and maybe even his Never-Trumper pals at the Daily Wire: Walsh, Knowles & Shapiro) a nice new perspective on Trump and the multi-fronted battles that he was fighting. Jordon always damned Trump with faint praise when discussing him because to me it seemed that he never really understood what Trump was up against or pretended not to know like Shapiro does. So now with his upcoming fight with his licensing board in addition to everything else he is fighting I am going to enjoy armchair psychoanalyzing Peterson during his battles just like he does Trump.

  6. I can’t figure out how the Ontario Board of Psychology has any authority over the actions or speech of Petersen outside of his clinical practice. He does not claim to be speaking as a clinician or to be doing therapy in his speeches, interviews, or appearances. Anyone taking offense at what he says as a citizen has no real grounds for any sort of formal complaint about his psychological practice.

    The Board by not rejecting these complaints and in requiring Petersen to submit to punishment is effectively placing themselves over the private lives and thoughts of those under its licensure.

    Canadian Psychologists better wake up and retire their licenses en masse in protest. Cease all clinical psychological services in the Province until the Board removes this edict and resigns.

    But probably most either hate Petersen’s views and thus delight in his punishment and humiliation, or are just cowards hoping the Board doesn’t shine its searchlight on them.

  7. Jordan Peterson would never post under an Anonymous banner. If someone is going to do some “armchair psychoanalyzing” perhaps they should at least give themselves a name first.

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