California doctor accused of attempted murder after car goes over cliff with wife and children – IOTW Report

California doctor accused of attempted murder after car goes over cliff with wife and children

JTN: A California doctor is facing attempted murder charges after a car containing both him and his family went over a dangerous cliff near San Francisco. 

Authorities had originally hailed the survival of Dharmesh Patel, his wife Neha and their two young children after all four survived their car’s plunge off Devil’s Side in San Mateo County. 

On Wednesday, however, authorities revealed that Patel was under suspicion of intentionally driving the car off the cliff in what may have been a murder-suicide attempt. more

h/t SNS

17 Comments on California doctor accused of attempted murder after car goes over cliff with wife and children

  1. 250 feet, landed right side up, and they survived. And if the batteries (which must have ruptured) had hit water, they would have exploded. 3 guardian angels were working overtime.

  2. I live 2 mi south of where that happened. I drove past it on my way home a few hours after the rescue was done and emergency crews were still there investigating and preparing to haul the car up. I knew that was an unlikely spot for an “accident”, figuring it was a suicide as that has happened a number of times along that stretch of highway. I hike there a lot and park in the lot adjacent to where the jerk drove off the cliff and I start my hikes from there. Every time someone does this they add a low concrete wall in front of the dirt berms in that spot. 🙄 It’s a beautiful, rugged coastline there and it’s so dangerous for the rescue crews, but they are fantastic. I see them practicing on a regular basis along the rocky cliffs. They are amazing!

  3. @Brad, I was going to hike there in the morning but I sissied out because of the rain and did errands instead. Lol! We have had no power since midday today because of this storm.

  4. …First, God bless those children who survived with surprisingly little physical injury, considering. He aleady delivered them from death, but one can only imagibe the hell they’ve gone through mentally. Not only were they in this car when their own father tried to kill them (and one wonders what sort of things he screamed while doing it), but I’m sure this was just the culmination of a long series of months or years of Mom and Dad fights of the sort where kids too often get caught in the crossfire of things children should never have to deal with.

    Don’t know about their situation or history, but probably not the first time the cops ever dealt with them. These domestic things are always nasty and she may have been as big a bitch as he was an asshole, but nothing excuses what he tried to do. Go kill yourself quitetly and leave the kids out of it, dude, if that’s how you wanna go. But leave everyone else, including high-angle rescuers, alone.

    …that said, they all lived through the plunge. We don’t know if they were conscious or not, but one can only imagine the conversation if they WERE…

    She: “That’s just super, Dharmesh. You, the great Dr. Patel, suck at EVERYTHING. You smell bad, your patients sue you, you’re no damn good in bed, and you can’t even kill your family proplerly! And just LOOK at this car!”

    He; Don’t start that, Neha. Maybe it would be better in bed if you didn’t shrill at me like your mother. And you let yourself get fat after the second kid, And YOU kept telling me ALL THE WAY down the Coast highway “WHY DON’T YOU JUST KILL YOURSELE!?!”, so I just was taking your advice, ANYTHING to shut you up…”

    …like that.

    All during the extracation, and all the way to the hospital, until someone dropped a mask on them just to get peace…

  5. Well, one good thing to come out of it, he won’t be giving out any more free killer jabs. As for his wife and kids, they got to know the real doctor in their life. Selfish. Too bad he survived.

  6. BTW, Hwy 1 here in CA is a notorious road for people to kill themselves on. In March of 2018, a lesbian and her wife, drove off a cliff north of Ft. Bragg, CA (Hwy 1), killing herself, and 7 others in the van. Makes for good training for rescuers. We also have a suicide cliff here in my county, even a barrier doesn’t stop people from trying.

  7. Tony R
    JANUARY 5, 2023 AT 10:07 AM
    “Geeze, SNS^^^ that’s oddly specific. 🙂”

    …I don’t know these folks, but I heard a lot of stuff in the back of an ambulance along these lines in a few different situations. Pain makes people honest.

    Sometime too honest.


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