Jill Biden to Undergo Surgery After Discovery Is Made During Cancer Screening – IOTW Report

Jill Biden to Undergo Surgery After Discovery Is Made During Cancer Screening

Federalist Papers-

First lady Jill Biden will have outpatient surgery next week to remove a lesion over her right eye, her office announced Wednesday.

“During a routine skin cancer screening, a small lesion was found above the First Lady’s right eye. In an abundance of caution, doctors have recommended that it be removed,” White House physician Kevin O’Connor said in a news release shared by the first lady’s office on Twitter.

Biden will face “a common outpatient procedure known as Mohs surgery to remove and definitively examine the tissue,” O’Connor wrote. MORE

24 Comments on Jill Biden to Undergo Surgery After Discovery Is Made During Cancer Screening

  1. “During a routine skin cancer screening, a small lesion was found above the First Lady’s right eye. In an abundance of caution, doctors have recommended that it be removed,”

    “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.”
    Matthew 5:29

  2. …getting harder and harder to say this considering the whores, grifters, and general jackanapes getting it, but even Jill Biden doesn’t deserve cancer. A rope, certainly, but not cancer.

    Fuck cancer.

    …Hey, wait a tick, I thought Joe Biden was supposed to CURE cancer if he was elected?

    Guess not.

    …guess she’s not enough modivation for him. Too old, perhaps, by a factor of 7 in HIS case…

  3. Eugenia

    I’ll be damned. I’ve been racking my brain, for multiple years, trying to figure out who Jilly looks like. And you just solved that riddle for me. Yes it’s Alice Cooper. Imagine her with vertical black lines below her eyes.

  4. Please don’t misunderstand, I do not like Jill Pedo Supporting Whore, but I hate cancer worse.

    And I don’t want her to live with or even die of cancer, surrounded by syncophants giving false sympathies to get on the evening news as a fawning media trumpets her courage and fortitude in battling this deadly disease with grace and dignity even if that is in no way true and she’s actually cowering in fear and squealing like the hog she is as she considers the proximity of her falling into the angry Hand of the Living God even as teams of doctors feverishly work to extend her worthless life and allevate her pain 24/7.

    No, I do not wish that for her.

    What I wish for her is no more and no less than she truly deserves for her part in this treason, her support of this child rapist, her participation in this Great Lie as she wields unearned power through the illegitmate idiot she foisted upon us. What I wish for her is to be wide-eyed and staring and wimpering in fear as first her staff is hoisted by their necks to the streetlights around her, then herself to a point on the tallest flagpole just below her husband so the urine and feces of his demise can fall on her as she feels the noose tighten and her eyes bug out while she begins her air dance to the cheers of those she thought to unjustly and cruelly rule. After that, she needs to hang alonside her husband and others that engineered this coup Mussolini-style, upside-down from the awning of the nearest gas station as crowds file by to spit on her urine soaked body, so close to the peasants she so loathed that some of the spit lands in her empty eye sockets that were denuded by curious crows as she swung over the city she once helped steal. Afterwards, meat hooks should be inserted under her chin and her syphiliptic body dragged to the nearest public landing and unceremonously thown into the Potomac like the spouse of a disgraced Roman tyrant that she so aspired to be, to wash out to sea and be cut to pieces by the screws of an appropriately named tramp steamer to feed curious marine life as her bones serve as coral reefs for crabs.

    THIS is the fate she deserves, not cancer.

    No one deserves cancer.

    Not even this disgusting whore.

    Hate cancer like you hate satan, because one is the spawn of the other.

    But there are MUCH more approrpiate deaths that do not glorify either one of those entities…

  5. Considering all the cancer deaths caused by the suicide jab so far, it’s a challenge to feel sorry for anyone on the pro slab jab team. Before sending a get-well card, ask yourself how many people have died from cancer caused by the suicide jab, how many people have developed cancer since getting jabbed, and how many innocent people will get cancer caused by the slab jab.

  6. It’s probably a carcinoma, not a big deal; I’ve had several removed. Years ago, my personal physician was a surgeon, and if anything looked slightly suspicious, he would pull out his scalpel and start cutting.

  7. “Can we talk?”

    Think about it…

    Coincidence, after waiting three years for them to not require the face diaper to come in for slicing and dicing I too will be going in for some removals. Stupid stubborn that way. Just the cold wind on my head hurts certain areas and might get to do the Van Gogh thing, Forget which one of you told me to put the mask on forever ago and get it taken care of. Finally gonna happen.

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